The Grants for Catalyzing Research Clusters (GCRC) competition was jointly created by the Vice-President Research & Innovation and the Provost & Vice-President Academic to enable the formation and growth of interdisciplinary clusters of research excellence.
A total of 84 applications were received for the 2018 competition and 27 Research Excellence Clusters were funded. Funded clusters are listed below within the Emerging and Established categories.
More information about Research Excellence Clusters
Established Clusters
- Advanced Materials Manufacturing
- Airway Centre
- BC Diabetes Research Network
- BCRegMed
- Biodiversity Research: An Emerging Global Research Priority
- Designing for People
- Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster
- Gynecologic Cancer Initiative
- Language Sciences Initiative
- Wingspan Dis/ability Arts, Culture, & Public Pedagogy
Emerging Clusters
- Action on Sepsis
- Bee Health, Impact, and Value in the Environment (BeeHIVE)
- Big Data and Computational Social Science Research Cluster
- Biomedical Imaging and Artificial Intelligence
- Bionics Network
- Blockchain @UBC
- Critical+Creative Social Justice Studies-The Global Condition Working Group
- Dynamic Brain Circuits in Health and Disease
- Harnessing the Social Exposome to Reduce Inequalities in Child Health and Development in Canada
- Marine Systems Research Cluster
- Migration
- Origins of Balance Deficits and Falls
- Present histories: Interdisciplinary and contemporary engagements with the past
- Quantum Computing Research Cluster
- Transformative Health and Justice Research Cluster
- UBC Interdisciplinary Research-Based Theatre Collaborative
- Women's Health Research Cluster