UBC Okanagan Research Support Initiatives
Below are current and recent competitions and initiatives hosted by the Office of the VP Research and Innovation.
Research Excellence Clusters
Research clusters are interdisciplinary networks of researchers focused on solving key challenges facing society that transcend the traditional boundaries associated with departments, institutions, and funding agencies.
Collaborative Research Mobility Awards
The Collaborative Research Mobility Awards (CRMA) are designed to facilitate collaboration on timely research opportunities by enabling researchers to move between campuses or institutions.
Research Facility Support Grants
The Research Facility Support Grants (RFSG) competition provides funding for the operation, maintenance, repairs or upgrades of equipment used in UBC facilities to support research.
University Killam Professors
The designation of University Killam Professor (UKP) is the highest honour that the university confers on faculty members.
Community-University Engagement Support (CUES) Fund
The CUES fund supports community-university partnerships that benefit communities across the province and advance collaborative research, teaching, and learning. It is jointly administered by UBC Community Engagement and the Office of the VPRI.
Program for Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE)
The Program for Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE) was a pilot initiative, funded over two years, to expand access to and/or enhance undergraduate research experiences at UBC.
Public Humanities Hubs
UBC’s Public Humanities Hubs provide tailored support and networks for humanities scholars to advance knowledge in the public humanities. The program is supported by UBC's Academic Excellence Funds.
Shared Research Platforms
Shared research platforms at UBC offer access to a variety of core facilities and tools including cutting-edge instruments, advanced technologies, and data processing and analysis.
Scholarly Integrity Initiative
The Scholarly Integrity Initiative supports UBC researchers and scholars in all aspects of conducting research responsibly.
Canada's Immuno-Engineering and Biomanufacturing Hub (CIEBH)
UBC is the lead institution for a coalition of provincial, national and international partners that aim to position Canada as a global epicentre for developing and manufacturing next generation immune-based therapeutics.
Dimensions: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Canada
UBC participated in the Dimensions: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Canada pilot program from 2019 to 2023. The pilot was led by the Tri-Agencies with an aim to increasing equity, diversity and inclusion in Canada’s research environment.
Digital Technology Supercluster Expansion Projects
UBC was a founding member of Canada's Digital Technology Supercluster (now known as DIGITAL). The global innovation cluster aims to accelerate R&D investment, technology adoption and the re-skilling of Canadian talent by introducing a new type of innovation model that is led by industry.