RSC College Member and UBC professor Vanessa Andreotti teaches new conceptions of global challenges
How do we learn to reproduce inequalities in society, and how can we learn new ways of relating to each other so that we break those patterns of injustice and collectively enact a more fulfilling and just way of life?
These, and questions like them, are the subject of UBC professor Vanessa Andreotti’s work. Through artistic inquiry and collaborative mapping of a group’s social values, institutions, laws and symbols, Andreotti (Educational Studies) helps to create new ways of thinking, understanding, and teaching about the social inequities in our society.
Her ground-breaking work was honoured through her election as a Member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada.
Vanessa Andreotti holds a Canada Research Chair in Race, Inequalities and Global Change. She is internationally recognized for her critical scholarship and leading-edge pedagogical and artistic experimentations in the fields of global citizenship and international development education. Her research problematizes and offers alternatives to mainstream educational approaches that promote simplistic understandings of global problems and solutions, paternalistic engagements between dominant and marginalized groups, and ethnocentric views of justice, sustainability and change.
— Citation from the Royal Society of Canada