Engage with the UBC Dimensions Institutional Self-Assessment of EDI in Research

December 8, 2021

UBC is one of 17 Canadian post-secondary institutions participating in a pilot of the federal Dimensions program, which seeks to identify and eliminate systemic obstacles and inequities for marginalized and under-represented people in research.

The UBC Dimensions project team has performed an in-depth assessment of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) within the university’s research-related systems, practices and culture, including a comprehensive environmental scan of UBC’s EDI-related policies, programs, initiatives and demographics.

Members of the UBC research community now have an opportunity to review and provide feedback on the summarized results of this work. Virtual engagement sessions are open to members of designated equity groups in the month of January, while an interactive online dashboard will be made available to the wider UBC research community in the new year.

Several institutional strategic initiatives are working to advance EDI and decolonization at the university, for which there have also been extensive consultation processes. To honour community members’ previous contributions, information that is available from such ongoing work is being utilized where possible in the Dimensions project. Participants will only be engaged on information gaps and issues identified in the self-assessment to date.

Please visit research.ubc.ca/dimensions/engagement to learn more and or register to engage with the self-assessment. Registration for equity group engagement sessions closes on January 14, 2022.

The UBC Dimensions pilot project is co-led by the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation and UBC's Equity & Inclusion Office.


Learn more and register

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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