Forty-Six projects led by UBC Researchers Awarded Funding through SSHRC Insight Development Grants

March 12, 2024

March 13, 2024

Recipients of funding through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Development Grants competition were announced, with awards of $35.3 million going to 577 research projects at 66 Canadian institutions.

A total of 46 projects led by UBC researchers were awarded funding through the 2023 Insight Development Grants competition, with combined awards of over $2.7 million. 

Insight Development Grants support research in its early stages and enable the development of new research questions, as well as experimentation with new methods, theoretical approaches and ideas. Funding is available to both emerging scholars and established scholars for research initiatives of up to two years. 

The Insight Development Grants were announced as part of the Government of Canada's investment of over $1.7 billion in research. The Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Transport and Quebec Lieutenant, on behalf of the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, and the Honourable Mark Holland, Minister of Health, announced support for over 7,700 researchers and research projects across Canada. 

This investment includes funding for UBC researchers through the Canada Research Chairs programCFI's Innovation FundNSERC Alliance Grants; and SSHRC Insight Development Grants as well as graduate student and postdoctoral scholarships and fellowships, and support through the Research Support Fund.

Read the Government of Canada announcement.



  1. UBC PI: Abdulai, Abdul-Fatawu (Nursing)
    UBc Co-applicant: Bungay, Victoria (Nursing)
    Understanding Technology-Mediated Trauma in Digital Technologies Designed for Promoting Sexual Well-being|
  2. UBC PI: Adebayo, Sakiru (English and Cultural Studies, UBCO)
    The Melancholic Diaspora: Postcolonial African Immigrant Subjects in the United States
  3. UBC PI: Ayan, Irem (French, Hispanic and Italian Studies)
    Voices of the First Nations: Reflecting on Race and Gender in Indigenous Interpreting
  4. UBC PI: Beauchamp, Mark (School of Kinesiology)
    Psychological support providers in elite sport: An examination of the prevalence of ethics violations and effects on athlete trust and help-seeking.
  5. UBC PI: Bian, Bo (Sauder School of Business)
    Consumer Demand for Data Privacy: Large-scale Evidence from Global Mobile App Markets
  6. UBC PI: Bostanci, Gorkem (Vancouver School of Economics)
    Causes and Macroeconomic Implications of the Growth of Labor Outsourcing
  7. UBC PI: Chau, Shirley (Social Work, UBCO)
    Anti-racism task forces and reports at universities in Canada: What happens to them after the launch party? A Critical Race Theory application of institutional response to calls for action.
  8. UBC PI: Code, Jillianne (Curriculum & Pedagogy)
    NARRATE: learNer Agency emeRgence thRough Algorithmic liTEracy
  9. UBC PI: Coelho, Jennifer (Psychiatry)
    UBC Co-applicants: Mah, Janet (Psychiatry); Marshall, Sheila (Social Work)
    Well-being and Vicarious Resilience in Healthcare Professionals: Cultural Considerations
  10. UBC PI: Corrigall-Brown, Catherine (Sociology)
    What happens after we win? Post-victory trajectories in the LGBTQ rights movement
  11. UBC PI: Dodson, Samantha (Sauder School of Business)
    The Causes and Consequences of Working Mothers' Mental Load
  12. UBC PI: Effros, Bonnie (History)
    Preserved in wax: Catacomb martyrs, piety, and ultramontane politics in post-Revolutionary France
  13. UBC PI: Evans, Jonathan (Sauder School of Business)
    Leader curiosity: An investigation into the nature and effectiveness of leader curiosity displays
  14. UBC PI: Feng, Xiangjun (Asian Studies)
    Radio culture in modern China, 1923-1949
  15. UBC PI: Forde, Shawn (Curriculum & Pedagogy)
    Using Comics to Tell Stories about Health and Physical Education
  16. UBC PI: Grenz, Jennifer (Forest Resources Management / Faculty of Land and Food Systems)
    UBC Collaborator: Martin, Tara (Forest and Conservation Sciences)
    Re-Storying Restoration by Applying an Indigenous Food Systems Lens to the Reclamation, Revitalization, and Recovery of Ecosystems
  17. UBC PI: Hudson Kam, Carla (Linguistics)
    Learning what why means: Characterizing the input to children learning American English
  18. UBC PI: Kadir, Aynur (Asian Studies)
    Safekeeping Culture: Grassroots Preservation as Uyghur Survival
  19. UBC PI: Kasahara, Hiroyuki (Vancouver School of Economics)
    Quantifying the response of maritime shipping CO2 emissions to trade shocks and policy regulations
  20. UBC PI: Laurin, Kristin (Psychology)
    Improving institutional land acknowledgments
  21. UBC PI: Li, Kai (Sauder School of Business)
    Causes and Consequences of the SEC Using Voluntary Disclosure to Enforce Mandatory Disclosure - Evidence from Conference Calls
  22. UBC PI: Lo, Veronica (Forest & Conservation Sciences)
    UBC Co-applicants: Hagerman, Shannon (Forest Resources Management); Rhemtulla, Jeanine (Forest and Conservation Sciences)
    Safeguarding what and for whom? Community perceptions of social safeguards in forest landscape restoration
  23. UBC PI: Lu, Juliet (Forest Resources Management)
    Supplying Sustainable Rubber: China and the Rise of Emerging Market Sustainability Initiatives
  24. UBC PI: Lukes, Laura (Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences)
    UBC Collaborators: Hickey, Kenneth; Saylor, Joel; Scoates, James (Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences)
    Exploring the development of professional identity and sense of belonging of future geologists in postsecondary geological field-based experiential learning opportunities
  25. UBC PI: Malakaj, Ervin (Central, Eastern, and Northern European Studies)
    Divinatory Cultural Techniques: Queer Media Engagement, 1900-1933
  26. UBC PI: Mohamadpour Tosarkani, Babak (School of Engineering, UBCO)
    UBC Co-applicant: Li, Eric (Management, UBCO)
    A novel decision-support approach for exploring and analyzing factors affecting Canadian food industry performance
  27. UBC PI: Moore, Marcus (Peter A. Allard School of Law)
    Reenvisioning Mass Market Governance: Retheorizing Standard Contracts to Make Room for Regulation that Works
  28. UBC PI: Narayan, Priti (Geography)
    A radical feminist history of the city: Pennurimai Iyakkam in Chennai, India
  29. UBC PI: Neimanis, Astrida (Community, Culture and Global Studies, UBCO)
    UBC Co-applicants: Forssman, Natalie (Community, Culture and Global Studies, UBCO); Hole, Rachelle (Centre for Inclusion and Citizenship / School of Social Work UBCO); Rader, Matthew (Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, UBCO)
    UBC Collaborator: Frisque, Jenica (Equity and Inclusion Office, UBCO)
    Enhancing Access and Inclusion in Environmental Humanities Research Practice
  30. UBC PI: Novek, Sheila (Nursing)
    UBC Co-applicant: Phinney, Alison (Nursing)
    Engagement and citizenship in nursing homes: An exploration of resident and family councils
  31. UBC PI: Obeegadoo, Nikhita Sonia Richa (Languages and World Literatures, UBCO)
    From coelacanths to mangroves: A multilingual, multispecies and decolonial approach to global archipelagic literature
  32. UBC PI: Parra Perez, Alvaro Gonzalo (Sauder School of Business)
    UBC C0-applicant: Farinha Luz, Vitor (Vancouver School of Economics)
    Health Insurance with Endogenous Risks
  33. UBC PI: Paulson, Timothy (History and Sociology, UBCO)
    Canola Capitalism: Futures Markets and Genetically-Modified Rapeseed on the Canadian Prairie, 1963-2007.
  34. UBC PI: Qian, Yi (Sauder School of Business)
    UBC Collaborator: Aquino, Karl (Sauder School of Business)
    Testing Antecedents and Consequences of a Reversal of the Ethnocentric Bias Among White Liberals
  35. UBC PI: Raynard, Mia (Sauder School of Business)
    What is meat? Negotiating the meaning and future of cell-based meat as a viable market category
  36. UBC PI: Ronquillo, Charlene (Nursing, UBCO)
    UBC Co-applicants: Conati, Cristina (Computer Science); Currie, Leanne (Nursing UBCV); Janke, Robert (UBC Okanagan Library); Li, Xiaoxiao (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
    Stakeholder perspectives and impacts of explainable artificial intelligence: A case study in a British Columbia health authority
  37. UBC PI: Saifer, Adam (Faculty of Management, UBCO)
    Connecting the dots: Investigating institutional philanthropy's entanglement with right-wing populism in Canada
  38. UBC PI: Sajjadiani, Sima (Sauder School of Business)
    Evaluating and Optimizing Performance Management Practices: A Comparative Analysis of Human and AI Performance Evaluators
  39. UBC PI: Schrimpf, Paul (Vancouver School of Economics)
    UBC Co-applicant: Kasahara, Hiroyuki (Vancouver School of Economics)
    The effect of telemedicine on healthcare practice and health outcomes
  40. UBC PI: Todd, Rebecca (Psychology)
    Generating and testing hypotheses about participatory sensemaking
  41. UBC PI: Wilson, Tina (School of Social Work)
    Nature, Nation and Profession: Uncovering the Natural Environment in the Historical Development of Social Work in Settler Canada
  42. UBC PI: Wong, Wendy (Economics, Philosophy and Political Science, UBCO)
    Increasing Accessibility in Surveys
  43. UBC PI: Yoon, Kyong (English and Cultural Studies, UBCO)
    Asian Canadian YouTubescape: Youth Cultural Politics of Visibility
  44. UBC PI: Zeweri, Helena (Anthropology)
    Beyond Refuge: The Impact of Offshore Detention on Afghan Social and Political Life in Australia
  45. UBC PI: Ziethen, Antje (French, Hispanic and Italian Studies)
    Reverse Diaspora: The "Brazilians" in Francophone West Africa
  46. UBC PI: Zuo, Mila (Theatre & Film)
    Mongoloids: A Short Film


See all recipients 

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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