The Government of Canada has convened an advisory panel on the structure and governance of the federal research support system and is seeking input from the research community.
The panel will provide independent expert policy advice to the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry and the Minister of Health to ensure that federal support for Canada's academic research enterprise is:
- coordinated and cohesive, balancing respect for the needs of disciplinary communities with a holistic perspective across disciplines and across research, training, and associated infrastructure
- responsive to the multi- and inter-disciplinary, collaborative, and international approaches that are increasingly the hallmark of transformative research and innovation
- sufficiently agile to seize new opportunities and address emerging research, economic and societal needs and interests
The panel will review the structure and governance of research support, with particular focus on the relationships among the federal research granting agencies – the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research – and the Canada Foundation for Innovation.
Share your thoughts via a questionnaire or written submission by Dec. 1.
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