MSFHR Funds Knowledge Translation Activities for 17 Teams led by UBC Researchers

February 25, 2021

The Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) funding through the 2020 Convening & Collaborating (C2) and Reach competitions will create pathways from research evidence to impact and help ensure that cutting-edge health research can directly improve the health of British Columbians and BC’s health system. 

These collaborative teams consisting of researchers, health professionals, trainees, and research users, are investigating research areas that address BC health system priorities.

Eight teams led by UBC researchers received funding through MSFHR's Convening & Collaborating (C2) Program, which is designed to build capacity for the development and use of research evidence in practice, policy and further research by promoting knowledge exchange between health researchers and research users. 

Nine teams teams led by UBC researchers received funding through MSFHR's Reach Program provides funding for teams of researchers and research users to support the dissemination and effective uptake of research evidence. 

Read the MSFHR release

UBC-led Teams - Convening and Collaborating Program 

Building a collaborative research agenda for virtual exercise and nutrition supportive cancer care in BC

Researcher co-lead: Kristin Campbell, (Physical Therapy) UBC
Research user co-lead: Alan Bates, BC Cancer & UBC
Team members: Cheri Van Patten, BC Cancer; Stuart Peacock, SFU; Helen McTaggart-Cowan , SFU; Guy Faulkner, UBC; Alina Gerrie, BC Cancer; Nathalie LeVasseur, BC Cancer; Rosemary Cashman, BC Cancer; Kendra Zadravec, UBC; G. Haukur Guomundsson, UBC; Scott Lear, SFU; Jeremy McAllister, Physiotherapy Board of BC

A collaborative project to explore COVID-19 rapid redesign and redeployment best practices and their uptake in British Columbia long-term care sector

Researcher co-lead: Farinaz Havaei, (Nursing) UBC
Research user co-lead: David Keselman, Louis Brier Home and Hospital
Team members: Karen Neilson, BC Ministry of Health; Heather Cook, BC Ministry of Health; Maura MacPhee, UBC ; Alison Phinney, UBC ; Sabina Staempfli, UBC ; Jennifer Stokes, Island Health ; Ayako Nilssen, Island Health ; Vicki Andersen, Louis Brier Home and Hospital; Mirsad Dragic, Louis Brier Home and Hospital; Keren Gersman, Louis Brier Home and Hospital; Dan Galazka, Louis Brier Home and Hospital; Michael Kary, BC Care Providers Association

Parents and clinicians as knowledge brokers: The co-creation of adapted screen time guidelines for children with autism

Researcher co-lead: Tal Jarus, (Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy) UBC
Research user co-lead: Armansa Glodjo, BCCH and Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children
Team members: Yael Mayer, UBC; Mor Cohen-Eillig, BCCH; Janice Chan, UBC; Natasha Kuzyk, UBC; Ryan Ocosta, UBC; Kathy Xie, Student

Reimagining perinatal mental health services: Collaborative development of an integrated model of care

Researcher co-lead: Emily Jenkins, (Nursing) UBC 
Research user co-lead: Michelle Carter, PHC
Team members: Wendy Hall, UBC; Angela Russolillo, St. Paul's Hospital; Brittany Bingham, VCH Aboriginal Health; Christine Ou, UBC; Valerie Rychel, St. Paul's Hospital: Sheila Duffy, Pacific Post Partum Support Society; Nichole Fairbrother, UBC

Developing a research program on using a restorative approach to address secondary harm to patients, families and clinicians after adverse events in our healthcare system

Researcher co-lead: Nelly Oelke, (Nursing) UBCO
Research user co-lead: Allison Kooijman
Team members: Jo Wailling, Victoria University of Wellington; Robert Robson, Healthcare System Safety and Accountability Inc.; Brenda Morrison, SFU; Malcolm MacLure, UBC; Fiona MacDonald, University of the Fraser Valley; Diane Aubin, Diane Aubin Consulting; Jennifer Llewellyn, University of Dalhousie; Carolyn Canfield, UBC; Deb Prowse ; Christina Krause, British Columbia Patient Safety and Quality Council; Devin Harris, Interior Health; Sandi Kossey, Canadian Patient Safety Institute; Jan Byrd, Canadian Patient Safety Institute; Glenn McRae, Interior Health; Wendy Nicklin, International Society for Quality in Health Care; David Gustafson, Community Justice Initiatives Association; Alika Fontaine, University of Alberta; Derek Puddester, College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC; Ainsley Young, Island Health; Ryan Sidorchuk, Island Health

Collaborating to explore complementary approaches to mental wellness and resiliency during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

Researcher co-lead: Joseph Puyat, (School of Population and Public Health) UBC
Research user co-leads: Lisa Ridgway, Patient partner
Team members: Fidel Vila-Rodriguez, UBC; Aanchel Gupta, CHEOS, UBC ; Alberto Almeida, St. Paul's Hospital, PHC; Ursula Ellis, UBC; Ruth Lavergne, SFU; Mariah Allyson Banal, UBC; Arminee Kazanjian,UBC

Patient-centered development of a research program on social robotics for pediatric anxiety

Researcher co-lead: Julie Robillard, (Medicine) UBC 
Research user co-lead: Nadee Jaik-Robinson, Patient partner
Team members: Jill Dosso, UBC, BCCHRI; Jaina Jaik-Robinson, Community member; Alessandra DiGiacomo, UBC, BCCH; Anna Riminchan, UBC, BCCHRI; Katarzyna Kabacinska, UBC, BCCHRI

Planning to enhance capacity for equity-oriented cancer care in BC

Researcher co-lead: Sally Thorne, (Nursing) UBC
Research user co-lead: Michael McKenzie, BC Cancer
Team members: Leah Lambert, BC Cancer, UBC; Annette Brown, UBC; Kelli Stajduhar, UVic; Stuart Peacock, BC Cancer; Fuchsia Howard, UBC; Jagbir Kaur, BC Cancer; Scott Beck, UBC; Helen McTaggart-Cowan, SFU

See all C2 funding recipients


Creative knowledge translation to support BCC's Personalized OncoGenomics Program

Co-leads: Janessa Laskin, BC Cancer and (Medicine) UBC; Marco Marra, BC Cancer and (Medical Genetics) UBC
Team members: Jessica Nelson, Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre; Lindsay Zibrik, BC Cancer - Vancouver; Kirstin Brown, Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre; Kevin Sauve, Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre

CoBrA Community Brain Art initiative: Co-created brain health promotion with the Downtown Eastside community

Co-leads: Thalia Field, (Medicine) UBC, and Christy Sutherland, (Family Practice) UBC
Team members (all UBC): William Honer, Skye Barbic, Sari Raber, Kilala Lelum, Andrea Jones, Melissa Woodward, Jacob Stubbs, Lianne Cho, Christopher Siu, Will Panenka

Women's health knowledge translation initiative & science communication training program

Co-leads: Liisa Galea, (Psychology) UBC; Katherine Moore (Women's Health Research Cluster) UBC
Team members: Sarah Munro, CHÉOS; Lori Brotto, WHRI; Marina Adshade, UBC; Shirley Weir, Menopause Chicks; Patricia Tomasi, Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative; Melissa Nelson, WHRI; Bonnie Vockeroth, UBC, Victoria Gay, BC Women’s Foundation; Vanessa Hrvatin, Centre for Brain Health; Bonnie Lee, UBC; Lesa Dawson, Memorial University; Beverley Pomeroy, BC Support Unit

#BePelvicHealthAware: Sharing clinical best practices on pelvic floor health through whiteboard animations, social media and a dedicated website

Co-leads: Roxana Geoffrion, (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) UBC; Sarah Cockell, Providence Health Care Heart Centre
Team members: Manisha Tilak, UBC; Kim Vopni; Sarah Munro; UBC; Trish Gipson; Adrienne Sim; Terry Lee, CHÉOS; Nicole Koenig, UBC; Melissa Nelson, UBC; Nicole Prestley Stuart, UBC / WHRI

Exploring the role of community resilience in children's developmental health outcomes

Co-leads: Martin Guhn, (School of Population and Public Health) UBC, Mike Hooker, BC Ministry of Education
Team members: Alisa Almas, HELP, UBC; Joanne Schroeder, HELP, UBC; Sally McBride, HELP, UBC; Katherine Brown, Rural and Remote Division of FP; Anita Ely, Interior Health; Jill Zacharias, City of Revelstoke; Nicole Dawydiuk, HELP, UBC; Tracy Spannier, Associate Executive Director

What gynecologic cancer patients want to know about gynecologic cancer research: Disseminating timely research evidence through recorded conversations between patients and research experts

Co-leads: Gillian Hanley, (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) UBC, Nicole Keay
Team members: Nicole Prestley, WHRI, Lori Brotto, WHRI; Helena Abreu do Valle, UBC; David Huntsman, UBC; Lien Hoang, UBC; Jessica McAlpine, UBC; Anna Tinker, UBC; Siv Klausen, Patient partner; Debra Walker, Patient partner; Rose Au-Yeung, Patient partner; Justine Greene, General public; Samyak Sah, SFU; Gina Ogilvie, UBC; Laurie Smith, UBC; Stephanie Lam, UBC; Gavin Stuart, UBC

Priorities for Rural and Remote Health Resource allocation in Northern BC (PLURAL North)

Co-leads: Mark Harrison, (Pharmaceutical Sciences) UBC, Theresa Healy, UNBC Health Research Institute
Team members: Magda Aguiar, UBC; Glory Apantaku; UBC, Lara Frederick, Northern Health; Kim Jong, Northern Health 

Development of "Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)-Heart and Stroke (HAS) Calculator" for personalized feedback

Co-leads: Mahsa Jessri, (Land and Food Systems) UBC, Jiak Chin Koh, Providence Health Care
Team members: Douglas Manuel, Clinical Epidemiology Program; Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Health Analysis Division of Statistics Canada; University of Ottawa, Departments of Family Medicine, and Public Health; Kimberly McGrail, Centre for Health Services and Policy Research, Health Data Research Network Canada (and SPOR Canadian Data Platform), Population Data BC, UBC Health, UBC School of Population and Public Health; Deirdre Hennessy, Health Analysis Division of Statistics Canada; ​Natalie Walshaw, Cardiac Clinic, Royal Columbian Hospital, FH; Courtenay Hopson, University Hospital of Northern BC, Northern Health; Jennifer Brown, The Ottawa Hospital Bariatric Centre of Excellence; Alison Quinlan, BC Ministry of Health, Food, Nutrition and Health Program, UBC; Carol Anderson, Interested Public / Community User; Adelia Jacobs, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Food, Nutrition and Health Program, UBC; Julia Chen, Dietetics, UBC

Sex, pain & endometriosis: Promoting awareness of a new evidence-based patient-centered website

Co-leads: Paul Yong, (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) UBC, Jessica Sutherland, BC Women's Hospital & Health Centre
Team members: Heather Noga, WHRI; Kiran Parmar, UBC; Natasha Orr, UBC; Rebecca Coxson, UBC; ​Sarah Lett, Mass Velocity, Endometriosis Patient Research Advisory Board, BC Women's Centre for Pelvic Pain & Endometriosis; Catherine Allaire, BC Women's Hospital; A. Fuchsia Howard, UBC


See all Reach Funding Recipients

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We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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