UBC Vancouver-Okanagan Collaborative Research Mobility Awards

The UBC Collaborative Research Mobility Awards (UBC CRMA) are designed to facilitate collaboration on timely research opportunities between UBC researchers in Vancouver and the Okanagan.

These awards are supported by the offices of the President, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal, UBC Okanagan; the Vice-President, Research and Innovation; the Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation, UBC Okanagan; the Provost and Vice-President Academic, UBC Vancouver; and the Provost and Vice-President Academic, UBC Okanagan.

Funding is available to:

  • initiate new, or strengthen existing research collaborations;
  • enable travel to access unique infrastructure/core facilities at each location or to hold research meetings;
  • support travel, per diems, and accommodations for UBC researchers

Funding cannot be used for the direct costs of research or to support meetings that would have otherwise happened.

Competitions are held two times per year with a rapid review and decision process. 


Faculty members from all disciplines who are eligible to hold Tri-Agency research grants can apply. Teams must include a minimum of two faculty members (one from each campus) and a maximum of ten team members.

Application Process

To apply for CRMA funding, the lead applicant must log in to VPRI’s online application system UBC Research + Innovation Apply using their campus wide login (CWL), and follow the instructions provided. Once the application has been initiated, the lead applicant may invite co-applicants with a CWL to contribute using the “add collaborator” button located in the left side block. Applications can be saved and completed at a later date before final submission, and can be downloaded as a PDF at any time.

Lead applicants are invited to submit a 600 word proposal that includes:

  • identification of researchers involved at UBCV and UBCO, with a brief description of their excellence in the research area(s);
  • a description of the purpose for the travel;
  • anticipated outcomes of the award (e.g., starting or strengthening a collaboration, accessing infrastructure or core facilities available at the other campus, initiating a collaborative grant proposal, or undertaking a component of a research study); and
  • a budget that includes a brief justification and the anticipated start and end date.

Applications must also include a completed and signed Research Project Information Form uploaded as a PDF to UBC Research + Innovation Apply.

Funding Details

A total funding envelope of $100,000 is available for this one-year funding cycle.

There are two application deadlines each year. Approximately $50,000 is available at each of these deadlines. Applications will open approximately six weeks prior to each deadline.

Application deadlines:

  • May 5, 2025
  • November 5, 2025  

The funding cap per proposal is $5,000. Applicants are able to hold a maximum of one award per one-year funding cycle.

Funds will be released to successful awardees as a single payment and must be spent within one year of award receipt with no extensions permitted.

Successful applicants are required to complete a brief online report on the activities undertaken. Reports are due no later than one month after the end date of the project. Applicants with outstanding final reports will not be eligible to apply for future CRMAs.

Assessment criteria

Applications will be adjudicated by an interdisciplinary peer review process and should therefore be written for non-specialists (i.e., avoid technical or field-specific jargon). Applicants will be notified of decisions within 4-6 weeks. Specific assessment criteria include:

  • Research project is of suitable quality as indicated by metrics of research excellence related to the team’s research area(s) at both UBCO and UBCV;
  • Purpose for travel is explained and justified;
  • Proposed outcomes are clearly described and will enable the teams’ collaboration to significantly progress; and
  • Proposed budget is reasonable and justified.

Questions should be directed to Stacey Herzer.

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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