UBC Researchers get $10.6M Boost from CFI John R. Evans Leaders Fund for Equipment and Infrastructure

August 19, 2020

Forty-one projects at UBC supported as part of $96-million national investment.

The Government of Canada, through the Canada Foundation for Innovation, announced a $96-million investment in research infrastructure across Canada through the John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF). This includes $10.61M for 41 state-of-the-art labs and equipment at the University of British Columbia.

CFI’s investment supports 377 new research infrastructure projects at 55 institutions Canada-wide. The investment includes more than $22M under their Infrastructure Operating Fund.

Read the CFI announcement

(August 18, 2020)

UBC projects

Establishment of the Mucin Glycobiology Laboratory at UBC
Kirk Bergstrom, Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science, Okanagan

Reactor for Atmospheric Chemical Transformations (ReACTr) to Track the Fate of Outdoor and Indoor Air Molecules
Nadine Borduas-Dedekind, Science

High-performance Atomic Force Microscopy to Elucidate Structure-property Relationships in Nanocellulose Materials
Emily Cranston, Applied Science, Forestry

Deciphering DNA-encoded Gene-regulatory Logic with Genome-scale Synthetic DNA
Carl de Boer, Applied Science, Medicine

Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy to Study Food Proteins and Enzymes
Derek Dee, Land and Food Systems

Nanospectroscopy Laboratory for Polaritonic Materials Discovery
Steven Dierker, Science

High Resolution Automated Mineralogy for Carbon Mineralization
Gregory Dipple, Science

Center for Transportation and Land Use Research (CeTLUR)
Mahmudur Rahman Fatmi, Applied Science, Okanagan

Biodiversity in a Changing World: Linking Theory and Experiments Across Scales
Rachel Germain, Science

BioFactorial: Enabling High-throughput Applications for Systems Biology and Enzyme Discovery
Steven Hallam, Science

Complex Human-based Organ (Disease) Models for Basic and Preclinical Research with a Focus on Human Epithelia
Sarah Hedtrich, Pharmaceutical Sciences

Infrastructure to Advance Extracellular Vesicle Biology & Technology
Mina Hoorfar, Applied Science, Okanagan

Infrastructure for Developing Pharmacologic Approaches to Modulating Fibrinolysis and Controlling Bleeding Disorders
Christian Kastrup, Applied Science, Medicine

Stem Cell and Genome Editing Lab
Timothy Kieffer, Medicine

Integrated Greenhouse Gas Research and Observations in Wetlands (iGROW)
Sara Knox, Arts

Working to Restore Connectivity and Sustainability (WoRCS) research program
Claire Kremen, Science

Community Hub for Arts-based Research and Innovation in Knowledge Translation
Andrea Krusi, Medicine

Exploring Mitochondria Function as Therapeutic Target in Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Multiple Myeloma
Florian Kuchenbauer, Medicine

Electron Microscope for Imaging Soft Materials
Mark MacLachlan, Science

Predicting Impacts of Cumulative Threats to Inform Conservation Decisions Under Global Change
Tara Martin, Forestry

The Neurobiology and Genetics of Taste in Disease-vectoring Mosquitoes
Benjamin Matthews, Science

Enabling Gravitational Wave Astrophysics with Calibration, Monitoring, and Characterization of the LIGO Detectors
Jessica McIver, Science

Exercise, Nutrition and Muscle Metabolism Laboratory
Cameron Mitchell, Education

(Re)Media Interdisciplinary Research Infrastructure and Program
Emily Murphy, Creative and Critical Studies, Okanagan

Hapscreen-RD: A Platform for Large-scale Screening of Human Haploid Cells for Rare Disease Research
Josef Penninger, Medicine

Innovation in Mobility and Balance Rehabilitation
Courtney Pollock, Medicine

Laboratory for Human-animal Interaction and Companion Animal Welfare
Alexandra Protopopova, Land and Food Systems

Centre for Community Engaged Documentation and Research
Daisy Rosenblum, Arts

Microbial Biosynthesis of Natural Products
Katherine Ryan, Science

The Stroke Management and eHealth Innovation Laboratory
Brodie Sakakibara, Medicine, Okanagan

Plant-pollinator and Global Change Lab
Risa Sargent, Land and Food Systems

Field and Laboratory Characterization of the Climate and Landscape Response to Surface Elevation Change
Joel Saylor, Science

Facilities for the Geospatial Ecology of Landscapes Laboratory
Naomi Schwartz, Arts

VELOSITY: Bringing the Benefits of VLSI to System Software
Margo Seltzer, Science

The Origins of Patterns in Speech Lab
Marton Soskuthy, Arts

Establishing an Ancient DNA and Protein (ADαPT) Facility at UBC
Camilla Speller, Arts

Cryo-EM of Metabolic Enzymes for Drug Discovery
Sriram Subramaniam, Medicine

Solution-processed Thin Film Semiconductors for Photovoltaic and Photoelectrochemical Applications
Alexander R. Uhl, Applied Science, Okanagan

Investigating How Mitochondrial Stress Signaling Maintains Organelle Homeostasis in Health and Disease
Hilla Weidberg, Medicine

Ensuring Full Literacy in a Multicultural and Digital World
Janet Werker, Arts
(Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with SSHRC Research Support)

Investigating the Neurophysiological Effects and Accumulation of Subconcussive Sports Head Impacts
Lyndia Chun Wu, Applied Science, Medicine

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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