UBC Researchers funded through SSHRC Insight Development Grants and Partnership Engage Grants

November 30, 2021

In November 2021, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) published the recipients of funding through their Insight Development Grants and Partnership Engage Grants competitions.

Insight Development Grants support research in its initial stages. The grants enable the development of new research questions, as well as experimentation with new methods, theoretical approaches and/or ideas. Funding is provided for short-term research development projects of up to two years that are proposed by individuals or teams. A total of 41 projects led by UBC researchers received funding through the February 2021 Insight Development Grants competition, with combined awards of $2.5m. UBC researchers are co-applicants on a further eight projects being led by researchers at other institutions.

Partnership Engage Grants provide short-term and timely support for partnered research activities that will inform decision-making at a single partner organization from the public, private or not-for-profit sector. The small-scale, stakeholder-driven partnerships supported through Partnership Engage Grants are meant to respond to immediate needs and time constraints facing organizations in non-academic sectors. In addressing an organization-specific need, challenge and/or opportunity, these partnerships let non-academic organizations and postsecondary researchers access each other’s unique knowledge, expertise and capabilities on topics of mutual interest. Six projects led by UBC researchers received funding of $150,000 through the June 2021 Partnership Engage Grants competition.

Insight Development Grants (February 2021 competition)

UBC-Led Projects

  1. Agarwal, Isha (Sauder School of Business)
    Banks as Secret Keepers: Evidence from the Opacity Discount
    Co-applicant: Bena, Jan (Sauder School of Business)
  2. Ardestani-Jaafari, Amir (Faculty of Management, UBCO)
    Post Pandemic Supply Chain Recovery
    Co-applicant: Li, Eric (Management, UBCO)
  3. Bian, Bo (Sauder School of Business)
    Does Mandating Women on Corporate Boards Backfire? International Evidence
    Co-applicant: Li, Kai (Sauder School of Business)
  4. Bouchard, Marie-Eve (French, Hispanic, and Italian Studies)
    Uniting voices: An examination of racially minoritized French speakers of Vancouver
  5. Bryce, Benjamin (History)
    Settler Vines: Migrants, Science, and Environment in Canada and Argentina, 1890-1940
    Co-applicants: Senese, Donna (Geography, UBCO), Martel, Marcel and Shubert, Adrian (York University)
  6. Carlyle, Margaret (History and Sociology, UBCO)
    Reproductive Technologies in the French Atlantic World (1650-1800)
  7. Carter, Diana (Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, UBCO)
    Gender-neutral and inclusive language use in Spanish
    Co-applicants: Langevin, Francis (Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, UBCO), George, Angela (University of Calgary)
  8. Cookson, Tara (School of Public Policy and Global Affairs)
    'Doing' gender and development with data and digital technology
  9. Cornil, Yann (Sauder School of Business)
    Online Social Media Experimentation for Consumer and Social Sciences: Opportunities and Challenges
  10. Coulthard, Lisa (Theatre & Film)
    Digital Dark Tourism: a case study of true crime tourism in the digital age
    Co-applicant: Steenberg, Lindsay (Oxford Brookes University)
  11. Duffy, Kay (Asian Studies)
    Seasons of Poetry in Early Medieval China
  12. Fang, Limin (Sauder School of Business)
    Household Tenure and the Political Economy of Housing Development
    Co-applicant: Tyndall, Justin (University of Hawai'i at Mānoa)
  13. Gabora, Liane (Psychology, UBCO)
    An Interactive 'Visual Diary' for Self--understanding
  14. Ghebremusse, Sara (Peter A. Allard School of Law)
    The Anatomies of Two Canadian Mining Conflicts in Southern Africa
  15. Gupta, Neha (Community, Culture and Global Studies, UBCO)
    Building an anti-colonial digital archaeology in the Canadian context through Indigenous data governance principles
  16. Haase, Kristen (School of Nursing)
    Developing a grounded theory of the social processes of self-management amongst older adults with chronic impairments
    Co-applicant: Oliffe, John (School of Nursing)
  17. Hardisty, David (Sauder School of Business)
    Using joint evaluation to increase donations to needy charities
  18. Hopewell, Kristen (School of Public Policy and Global Affairs)
    Industrial Policy in the Age of Globalization
  19. Kia, Hannah (School of Social Work)
    Peer-Based Social Support as a Source of Resilience among Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals in Canada: An Exploratory Study
    Co-applicants: Abramovich, Alex (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health) MacKinnon, Kinnon (York University)
  20. Kikkawa, Ayumu (Sauder School of Business)
    Two-sided Market Power in Firm-to-firm Trade
    Co-applicant: Alviarez, Vanessa (Sauder School of Business)
  21. Lougheed, Jessica (Psychology, UBCO)
    Daily Conflicts in Parent-Adolescent Dyads: Associations with Parent and Adolescent Development
    Co-applicant: Sin, Nancy (Psychology, UBCV)
  22. McCormick, Kelly (History)
    The Cameraman in a Skirt: A New Visual History of Modern Japan
  23. Miller, William (Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy)
    Co-creating a conceptual framework for digital game design to promote aging well
    Co-applicants: Elliott, Jason (Simon Fraser University), Giesbrecht, Edward (University of Manitoba)
  24. Naqvi, Naveena (Asian Studies)
    Writing the Inter-Imperial World in Afghan North India
  25. Ojukwu, Emmanuela (School of Nursing)
    Understanding the Impact of Psychosocial Vulnerabilities on Access to and Utilization of Women-centred HIV/AIDS Support Services among African, Caribbean and Black Women in Canada
    Co-applicants: Hirani, Saima (School of Nursing), Kaida, Angela (SFU)
  26. Paluch, Rebecca (Sauder School of Business)
    An Investigation Into Employee Exits and Post-Employment Relationships
  27. Pennefather, Patrick (Theatre & Film)
    Designing and investigating collaborative games to advance problem-solving skills for interdisciplinary student teams
  28. Ransom, Madeleine (Economics, Philosophy and Political Science, UBCO)
    The Perceptual Foundations of Bias and Discrimination
  29. Riggs, Rebecca (Forest Conservation Sciences)
    Uncovering leverage points for inclusive, resilient, and sustainable infrastructure expansion in forest landscapes
  30. Saewyc, Elizabeth (School of Social Work)
    Stressors experienced by parents of sexual and gender minority youth in collectivist communities
    Co-applicants: Marshall, Sheila (School of Social Work), Taylor, Ashley (School of Nursing)
  31. Saggio, Raffaele (Vancouver School of Economics)
    Monopsony or Peer Effects? Disentangling the Importance of Firms in the Labor Market
    Co-applicant: Perla, Jesse (Vancouver School of Economics)
  32. Sam, Johanna (Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education)
    A Two-Eyed Seeing Approach: How Do Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Youth Cope with Cyber-Aggression?
    Co-applicants: Hare, Jan (Language & Literacy Education), Shapka, Jennifer (Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education)
  33. Sathaye, Adheesh (Asian Studies)
    Sanskrit Joking Cultures: Bringing Classical Indian Humour to Life through Translation and Performance
  34. Schmidt, Julia (Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy)
    Understanding Influences on Self-Identity after Brain Injury
    Co-applicant: Mortenson, William (Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy)
  35. Squires, Munir (Vancouver School of Economics)
    Kinship and democracy
    Co-applicant: Hwang, Il Myoung (Vancouver School of Economics)
  36. Stein, Sharon (Educational Studies)
    Towards the Ethical Integration of Different Knowledge Systems: Lessons from STEM and Health Fields
    Co-applicants: Ahenakew, Cash (Educational Studies), Cohen, Tamara (Land and Food Systems), Valley, Will (Land and Food Systems)
  37. Turner, Hannah (School of Information)
    The Work of Repair: Making Visible Colonial Legacies in Canadian Museums
  38. van der Ven, Hamish (Wood Science)
    Investigating the Impacts of `Clicktivism' on Corporate Environmental Practices
  39. Van Jaarsveld, Danielle (Sauder School of Business)
    #F--kthepolice: Introducing expressed occupationalism and its workplace consequences
  40. Zajko, Mike (History and Sociology, UBCO)
    Automating Regulation: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Governance
  41. Zhou, Yang-Yang (Political Science)
    Rejecting Coethnicity: the Politics of Migrant Exclusion by Minority Citizens
IDG Projects on which UBC researchers are co-applicants
  1. Climate Disclosure: Physical Climate Risk, Investor Demands, and Firms' Voluntary Disclosure Decisions
    Applicant: Banerjee, Sanjay (University of Alberta)
    Co-applicants: Mehrotra, Vikas (University of Alberta) and Vijayaraghavan, Rajesh (Sauder School of Business)
  2. A Community-Based Approach to Supporting Refugee Children in Primary Classrooms: Teachers, Counsellors, Resettlement Workers, and Trauma-Informed Early Childcare Educators
    Applicant: Streelasky, Jodi (University of Victoria)
    Co-applicant: Ford, Laurie (Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education)
  3. Capturing pandemic experiences in outdoor learning and applying lessons learned to support equitable access
    Applicant: Halsall, Tanya (Carleton University)
    Co-applicants: Buxton, Rachel (Carleton University),  Matheson, Kimberly (Carleton University) Zeni, Megan (Curriculum & Pedagogy)
  4. Racial Equity in Medical Education: Exploring Sociocultural Factors that Help and Hinder Agency Among Racialized Learners
    Applicant: Kahlke, Renate (McMaster University)
    Co-applicants: Hubinette, Maria (Family Practice), LaDonna, Kori (University of Ottawa), Sukhera, Javeed (Western University)
  5. A Community-Informed Approach to Characterizing Community Wellbeing
    Applicant: Rosella, Laura (University of Toronto)
    Co-applicants: Helliwell, John (Vancouver School of Economics), Kim, Eric (Psychology), Malti, Tina (University of Toronto), Urajnik, Diana (Laurentian University) Walker, Jennifer (Laurentian University) Zenlea, Ian (University of Toronto)
  6. Rethinking 'transition regret': Developing and mobilizing trans-inclusive knowledge about people who de/retransition
    Applicant: MacKinnon, Kinnon (York University)
    Co-applicants: Abramovich, Alex (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health) Kia, Hannah (School of Social Work UBCV) Lacombe-Duncan, Ashley (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor),  Ross, Lori (University of Toronto) Salway, Travis (Simon Fraser University)
  7. Beyond agency: how does knowledge mobilization advance social innovation in communities?
    Applicant: Sohn, Jacqueline (York University)
    Co-applicants: Gaetz, Stephen (York University), Graham, John (Social Work UBCO)
  8. Comment la foresterie communautaire influence-t-elle l'accès aux ressources foncières et forestières collectives ? Une analyse comparative entre l'Indonésie et le Cameroun
    Applicant: Bissonnette, Jean-François (Université Laval)
    Co-applicant: Boedhihartono, Agni (Forest and Conservation Sciences)

See all recipients

Partnership Engage Grants (June 2021 Competition)

  1. John Tyler Binfet (Okanagan School of Education)
    Advancing and Enriching Social and Emotional Instruction in the Central Okanagan Public School District
    Partner: School District 23 - Central Okanagan
  2. Jillianne Code (Curriculum & Pedagogy)
    Beyond the academy: Professional agency and learning in virtual contexts
    Co-applicant: Andrea Webb (Curriculum & Pedagogy)
    Partner: Hikma Strategies
  3. Suzanne Huot (Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy)
    Studying children’s sense of belonging through collective music-making
    Co-applicants: Peter Gouzouasis (Curriculum & Pedagogy), Susan Cox (School of Population and Public Health), Nancy Clark (University of Victoria)
    Partner: Saint James Music Academy
  4. Ronald Kellett (School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture)
    Planning for future urban neighborhoods using data-driven typological models  
    Partner: City of Vancouver
  5. Julia Schmidt (Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy)
    Understanding acceptance and meaning in life after brain injury through participatory engagement
    Co-applicant: Swati Mehta (Western University)
    Partner:British Columbia Brain Injury Association
  6. Heidi Tworek (History and School of Public Policy and Global Affairs)
    Understanding and Responding to Online Harassment of Health Communicators
    Partner: Institute for Strategic Dialogue (United Kingdom)

See all recipients

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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