BCKDF funding helps UBC researchers take steps to improve mental-health and addiction treatments

September 22, 2022

September 22, 2022

The Government of B.C. is supporting research at UBC with more than $560,000 to help lead the way to more effective mental-health treatments through the BC Knowledge Development Fund (BCKDF).

Students and faculty at UBC are using the equipment funded by the BCKDF to conduct research with real-world implications, from child and youth mental health, concussions, sexuality and well-being, and treatment for opioid-use disorder.

“B.C.’s greatest asset is our people, and that’s why we continue to invest in infrastructure and research that will keep British Columbians healthy and safe,” said Ravi Kahlon, Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation. “The University of British Columbia is a research powerhouse with students and researchers leading the way with new and innovative solutions across fields, such as mental health and wellness, that will improve the lives of people throughout B.C.”

Supported projects at UBC

  • Dr. Eugenia Oviedo-Joekes (School of Population and Public Health / Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcomes Sciences) is the first in Canada to be named as Tier 1 Canada research chair in person-centred care in addictions and public health and is being supported by $125,000 from the BCKDF to buy equipment for this research.
  • Dr. Samantha Dawson (Psychology) received $238,819 from the BCKDF for the Sexuality and Well-being (SWell) Laboratory.
  • Dr. Noah Silverberg (Psychology) received $125,000 from the BCKDF for persistent symptoms after concussion: psychological mechanisms and treatment.    
  • Dr. Anne Gadermann (School of Population and Public Health / Human Early Learning Partnership  / Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcomes Sciences) received $80,000 from the BCKDF for a programmatic data platform for bio-eco-social population-level research on child and youth mental health in B.C.

 Read the announcemenT and research backgrounders

“Investing in and prioritizing mental health has been a key commitment at UBC, whether it’s been on our campuses or in B.C. communities. This funding from the BC Knowledge Development Fund will allow UBC researchers to access the infrastructure they need to further work in areas, such as child and youth mental health, sexual health, brain injury and treatments for opioid-use disorder, furthering B.C.’s capacity to create a healthier future.”

Santa J. Ono, president and vice-chancellor, UBC

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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