Facilities + Equipment

UBC is home to advanced research facilities and equipment. These can often be accessed by companies and external research groups.

The CFU Research Facilities Navigator

The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) provides extensive support for research infrastructure. The CFI Research Facilities Navigator is a searchable online directory of funded research labs and facilities open to working with businesses to meet their research and innovation needs.

Find UBC Labs on the CFI Navigator

Shared Infrastructure

Shared research infrastructure at UBC offers access to a variety of core facilities and tools including cutting-edge instrumentation, advanced technologies, and data processing and analysis.  

Learn more about Shared Facilities

For more information about UBC research equipment and facilities, contact research.innovation@ubc.ca

Support for the management and maintenance of UBC research facilities is provided through the federal Research Support Fund.

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. External Link An arrow entering a square. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.