Sixteen new and renewed UBC Canada Research Chairs appointed

December 14, 2020

In its 20th year, the Canada Research Chairs Program continues to provide opportunities for researchers to excel in their fields, and build teams of experts at Canadian institutions. In winter 2020, the second of two cycles of funding to be announced this year, the Government of Canada is investing approximately $195 million towards 260 new and renewed Chairs at 47 institutions across Canada, including sixteen new and renewed chairs at UBC:

New awardees
  • Cash Ahenakew, Education, (CIHR, Tier 2) Canada Research Chair in Indigenous People’s Well-Being 
  • Jacquelyn Cragg, Pharmaceutical Sciences, (CIHR, Tier 2) Canada Research Chair in Open Data Science
  • Jan Hare, Education, (SSHRC, Tier 1) Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Pedagogy
  • Kristen Hopewell, Arts, (SSHRC, Tier 2) Canada Research Chair in Global Policy
  • Frederik Noack, Land & Food Systems, (SSHRC, Tier 2) Canada Research Chair in Economic and Environmental Interactions
  • Nozomu Yachie, Applied Science, (CIHR, Tier 2) Canada Research Chair in Synthetic Biology
  • Bruno Zumbo, Education, (SSHRC, Tier 1) Canada Research Chair in Psychometrics and Measurement
  • Jason Barton, Medicine, (CIHR, Tier 1) Canada Research Chair in Visual Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Victoria Bungay, Applied Science, (SSHRC, Tier 2) Canada Research Chair in Gender, Equity and Community Engagement
  • Zachary Hudson, Science, (NSERC, Tier 2) Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Chemistry
  • Michael Law, Medicine, (CIHR, Tier 2) Canada Research Chair in Access to Medicines
  • Eli Puterman, Education, (CIHR, Tier 2) Canada Research Chair in Physical Activity and Health
  • Mark Schmidt,  Science, (NSERC, Tier 2) Canada Research Chair in Large-Scale Machine Learning
  • Don Sin, Medicine, (CIHR, Tier 1) Canada Research Chair in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • Juncheng Wei, Science, (NSERC, Tier 1) Canada Research Chair in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
  • Laura Wegener Parfrey, Science, (NSERC, Tier 2) Canada Research Chair in Protist Ecology


View the full Canada Research Chairs announcement

Canada Foundation for Innovation awards funding to newly appointed UBC CRC

The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), in collaboration with the Canada Research Chairs (CRC) Program, developed the JELF-CRC partnership to create competitive packages for the funding of infrastructure and research support at institutions. Today, the CFI has provided close to $14 million to 57 Canada Research Chairs at 27 universities for the cutting-edge equipment they need to carry out their important work, including awards for UBC’s Jacquelyn Cragg, Nozomu Yachie and Don Sin.


First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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