The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council today announced an investment of more than $285m that will support 6,900 researchers and graduate students across Canada.
Funding was awarded for the Partnership Grants, Partnership Development Grants, Insight Grants and Insight Development Grants. A total of 107 research projects led by UBC researchers received $17m in funding.
Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships and SSHRC doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships were also announced. A total of 163 scholarships and fellowships were awarded to UBC, valued at $7m.
partnership grants 2019-20 competition
2 projects led by UBC researchers received $5.0m
UBC-led projects
Scaling up Trauma and Violence-Informed Outreach with Women Affected by Violence
$2,499,946 (7 years)
Alfred Hermida and Mary-Lynn Young
Global Journalism Innovation Lab: Revitalizing journalism and accelerating knowledge mobilization from Canadian universities
$2,472,154 (6 years)
Partnership Development Grants 2018-2019 Competition
7 projects led by UBC researchers received $1.3m
UBC-led projects
Activism in International Human Rights Courts (ActInCourts)
$199,187 (3 years)
Hisham Zerriffi
Social-Ecological Relationships of Household Energy, Forests and Farms
$186,600 (3 years)
Heather Gainforth
Co-Developing and Co-Implementing the First Integrated Knowledge Translation Guiding Principles for the Spinal Cord Injury Research System
$199,735 (3 years)
John Graham
Kelowna Homelessness Research Collaborative
$177,900 (3 years)
Johannus Janmaat
Facilitating Agricultural Adaptation to a Changing Climate in British Columbia
$186,648 (2 years)
Leyton Schnellert
Growing Innovation in Rural Sites of Learning
$195,075 (3 years)
Henry Yu
Activating a Multi-sited Museum: An Innovative Organizational Model for Heritage and Community Knowledge-Making
$199,058 (2 years)
Insight Grants 2018-2019 Competition
64 projects led by UBC researchers received $8.8m
UBC-led projects
Margolis, Eric
A Theory of Concepts
Veenstra, Gerry D.
Capital interplays and health in Canada
Jeong, Gyung-Ho
Supermajority Rule in the National Assembly of Korea
Shapka, Jennifer
Adolescent Technology Engagement, Self-Regulation, and the Changing Nature of Parent, Peer, and Intimate Relationships
Cenfetelli, Ronald T.
Are We Really Addicted to Technology? What Can We Do to Reduce Our Need to Constantly Check Our Devices?
Savalei, Victoria
Improving measures of self-report
Green, David A.
Immigration and Employment Outcomes in the Receiving Economy
Fernández Utrera, María Soledad
Salvador Dalí, Homo Politicus
Stacey, Jocelyn
The Law of Disaster Exceptionalism: Reforming Law's Role in Disaster
White, Katherine J.
Using Marketing Communications to Encourage Prosocial Consumer Actions When Ingroup Norms are Low
Liao, Carol M.
A Canadian Model of Sustainable Corporate Governance: 30 Years to the Day
Gottlieb, Joshua D.
Top Income Inequality: Theory, Data, and Measurement
Garrett, Bernie
Risk-Taking Behaviours with Alternative Health Care and Psychosocial Factors Predicting Engagement
Martin, Christopher
Understanding Student's Place in the Deliberative Politics of Education: A Philosophical Analysis
Hoegg, JoAndrea
One Bad Apple: How Negative Feelings Toward One Organization Can Impact Perceptions of Others
Oberle, Eva
Get outside and play! Investigating outdoor play and children's positive development in schools and communities
Rogers, Theresa
Youth, Literature, Mobilities, and Civic Engagement
Dunn, Elizabeth W.
Hello stranger: Intrapersonal and interpersonal strategies for promoting interactions between strangers
Lee, Sanghoon
The Well-Being of Nations: Estimating Welfare from International Migration
Santos, Alessandra S.
African Diaspora Literature, Culture and Technology in Brazil
Chowdhury, Arjun
The Paradox of Postcolonial Time
Werker, Janet F.
Bilingualism as a lens for understanding lexical development in infancy
Shan, Hongxia
Doing "diversity" in practice: Immigrants and knowledge "transfer" in engineering and health care
Beauchesne, Kim M.
Bridging Transatlantic and Transpacific Studies: The Keicho Embassy and Its Textual Representations in the Hispanic World (Seventeenth and Twenty-First Centuries)
Dancygier, Barbara
Emotional dissonance and the post-truth crisis
Mortenson, William B.
An intersectional analysis of assistive technology access and utilization across cultural groups
Yoon, Florence
The character-object spectrum in Greek Tragedy
Affolder, Natasha A.
Contagious Law-making: How Environmental Law Moves and Why it Matters
Miller, William C.
Supporting adaptive Snowsports Leisure Opportunities for PEople with disabilities (SSLOPE)
Norenzayan, Ara
Religion, Spirituality, and Moral Concern for the Environment
Vertinsky, Ilan
When do venture capitalists spur innovation among their investees?
Head, Keith
Multinational oligopoly: new issues and new methods
Hamlin, J. Kiley
Mapping the origins of human morality: A comprehensive longitudinal study of moral development from birth through age 3
Barnes, Trevor J.
Geographies of the life, works and social activism of William Bunge
Ortiz-Molina, Hernan
Labour Laws, Process Innovation, and Firm Performance
Bena, Jan
Risk and Ownership of Startup Companies
Laurin, Kristin
System justification: Self-regulatory causes and unintended emotional consequences
Gick, Bryan W.
Virtually Speaking: How Phonetic Information Affects Communication in Virtual Reality
Ford, Cristie L.
Innovation as a regulatory challenge: Responses by financial and legal professional regulators
Oberg, Gunilla M.
Science, Values and Wastewater Controversies
Kealy, David
Enhancing possible selves among emerging adults: Randomized controlled trial of a mentoring intervention
Christopoulos, John
Bodies of Crime in Early Modern Italy
Heine, Steven J.
Economic Inequality and Status Strivings
Griffin, Michael J.
Translating, Interpreting, and Publicizing the Philosophy and Science of the Roman Empire: New Translations in the Ancient Commentators Series
Yeung, Ira IY.
High on Accounting? Do Marijuana Companies' Financial Statements Mislead Investors?
Coulthard, Lisa M.
Between Blood and Data: Anatomy of the Post-Millennial Hollywood Fight Sequence
Cavanaugh, Lisa A.
Identity-Relevant Brands and Social Distance in Online Reviews
Rehavi, Michal Marit
Getting Inside the Black Box of Prosecutors' Discretion
Roth, Wendy D.
Genetic Ancestry Testing and the Future of Race: Qualitative Follow-Up Study
Yang, Bicheng
Salesforce Management using Monetary and Non-Monetary Incentives
Zhang, Anming
Tradable permits versus congestion fees for transportation facilities with uncertain supply and demand
Poudrier, Ève
Modeling polyrhythmic experience
Griffin, Dale W.
Beyond Green Values: Affirmation Processes in Consumer Decision-Making About Climate Change
Sin, Nancy
The unfolding of positive events in daily stress and coping processes
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
Small and medium forest industries for vibrant local economies: conditions for success in communally managed lands
Gillespie, Judy L.
Enhancing Evaluation Methodologies in Multisector Community Change Initiatives: The Role of Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Olsen, Lise L.
Assessing feasibility and effectiveness of an online parent resource to support safe and active sport and recreation for children with autism spectrum disorders
Kingstone, Alan
Human social attention
Pena, Francisco
The Confluence of Religious Cultures in Medieval Historiography: A Digital Humanities Project
Milstein, Sara
Making a Case: The Origins and Legacy of Biblical and Near Eastern Law
Angeles, Leonora C.
Postnationalism and Canada-Philippine Bilateral Relations: Trends, Patterns, Limits and Possibilities of Postnational Citizenships and Transnational Linkages for Development, 1970-2020
Hayden, Brian
The role of ecology and economy in the emergence of complexity on the Canadian Plateau
Thobani, Sunera
The Cinematic Lives of Islam and Muslims
Severs, Jeffrey
Postmodernism as they found it: contingent transformations in U.S. fiction, 1970-1976
Insight Development Grants 2019-2020 Competition
34 projects led by UBC researchers received $1.8m
UBC-led projects
Walter, Pierre The University of British Columbia
Catalysts for Transformative Learning in Living History Museums
Pratt, Geraldine The University of British Columbia
Anticipating Alzheimer's: geographies of the global intimate
Bigazzi, Alexander The University of British Columbia
Electric pedal-assist, physical capability, and cycling accessibility: Do cycling speed and energy expenditure mediate route and travel mode choices?
Kerns, Connor
Social Exclusion, Social Communication and Psychological Well-being in Emerging Adulthood
Hanser, Amy
The Public Bus as Urban Space: How People Navigate Encounters Across Social Difference
Kikkawa, Ayumu
On the Measurement of Global Value Chain Participation
Huddart Kennedy, Emily
Who Cares About the Environment? How Class and Politics Are Related to Environmental Beliefs, Preferences and Impacts
Latimer, Heather
Future Now: Reproductive Politics and the Dystopic Imaginary
Huemoeller, Katharine
Reproducing Slavery: Maternal descent in the Roman world
Stewart, Jaclyn
Feedback Effectiveness and Emotion in Learning (FEEL): How stress relates to students' uptake of feedback in organic chemistry
Gardner, Gregg
The Horvat Midras Excavation Project: Cultural Interaction in Rural Roman Judea
Kealy, David
The Multi-dimensional Conceptualization and Assessment of Interpersonal Loyalty
Gornall, Will
Gender and Racial Discrimination in Venture Capital
Gottlieb, Joshua
Studying Coal Plant Pollution Using Machine Learning
Lee, Gene
Predicting Litigation Risk via Machine Learning
Liu, Yan
Robotics Education for a New Generation of STEM: Developing Novel Measurement Tools & Assessing Learning Outcomes
Petherick, LeAnne
Sexuality Education as Public Pedagogy: Media and Parental Constructions of Sexuality Education
Moran, Patrick
Literary Genre in the French-Speaking Middle Ages: From Manuscript Studies to Cognitive Theory
Ostwald, Kai
Conflict is Local: Insights from Localized Patterns of Peace and Violence in Myanmar's Ethnic Conflicts
Sajjadiani, Sima
The Spillover Effects of Police Brutality against Visible Minority Groups on Work Outcomes
Yeung, Ira
Economic Consequences of Unbundling Analyst Research
Turin, Mark
Relational Lexicography: New Approaches to Community-Informed Dictionary Work
Yang, Bicheng
Management of Financial Advisors
Sin, Nancy
Positive emotional well-being and aging: A daily process approach
Gallipoli, Giovanni
Technology, Productivity and Skills in the Labor Market: the Role of Firms
Gagné, Monique
Understanding the developmental well-being of refugee children in Canada and Australia
Nagarajan, Mahesh
Developing and Testing a Measure of Behavioural Risk Attitudes
Metcalfe, Jessica
Dene Bison Hunting and Migration: Western Science and Indigenous Perspectives
Hallensleben, Markus
Migration as Core Narrative of Plural Societies: Towards an Aesthetics of Postmigrant Literature
Andreas, Wolfgang
A Novel Conditional Analysis of Causation
Arneil, Barbara
Organic Politics
Klassen, Sarah
Koh Ker Archaeological Project
Jain, Romi
Quests for Developing Knowledge Economies: A Comparative Study of the Higher Education Reforms in China and India
Adriasola Munoz, Ignacio
Omen: The Work of Enokura Koji
SSHRC doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships 2019-2020 Competition
UBC received 27 SSHRC doctoral fellowships worth $1.4m and 7 postdoctoral fellowships worth $0.6m.
Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships 2019-2020 Competition
UBC received 97 masters scholarships worth $1.7m and 32 doctoral scholarships worth $3.4m