A total of 57 UBC-led research projects awarded funding through SSHRC programs

August 29, 2023

August 29, 2023

A total investment of just under $150 million through Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council's Partnership Grants, Partnership Development Grants and Insight Grants programs was announced to support 605 projects across the country.

$45.7 million was awarded to 19 projects through SSHRC’s Partnership Grants, over $14.8 million was awarded to 76 projects through SSHRC’s Partnership Deevlopment Grants, and almost $89.4 million was awarded to 510 projects through SSHRC’s Insight Grants. 

57 new projects led by UBC researchers have been awarded funding of $10.3 million through these grants.

The SSHRC awards were announced as part of the Government of Canada's investment of $960 million for research. The Honourable Randy Boissonnault, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages, on behalf of the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, and of the Honourable Mark Holland, Minister of Health, announced support for over 4,700 researchers and research projects across Canada. These investments of over $960 million through grants, scholarships and programs are part of the government’s ongoing support for Canada’s research ecosystem.

This includes funding for new UBC-led projects through the Canada Research Chairs program; CFI's John R. Evans Leaders FundNSERC Discovery research programsNSERC PromoScienceSSHRC Insight Grants, Partnership Grants and Partnership Development GrantsVanier Canada Graduate Scholarships; and Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships.

Read the Government of Canada announcement.



UBC-LED Awards

Partnership grants

One UBC-led project was awarded $2.3m through the Partnership Grants program.

  • The Transformative Memory International Network
    Riano-Alcala, Pilar 
    (Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice)
    Project Co-Director: Baines, Erin (School of Public Policy and Global Affairs)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): Ayinuerguli, Aynur (Asian Studies), Shaffer,  Elizabeth (School of Information), Nakamura, Fuyubi (Asian Studies), Roosa, John (History), Porto, Nuno (Art History, Visual Art & Theory), Rosenblum, Shelly (Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery)
    UBC Collborator(s): Alejandra Gaviria-Serna, Dora (Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice), Kesler, Roland (English Language and Literatures), Lightfoot, Sheryl (Political Science)

See all recipients

Partnership Development Grants

Four projects led by UBC researchers were awarded a combined total of $0.8 million.

  1. Ford, Adam (Biology)
    UBC Collaborator(s): Steinwand, Blaire (Zoology)
    Is Conservation Always Ethical? The Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Woodland Caribou Conservation in Western Canada
  2. Gainforth, Heather (School of Health and Exercise Sciences)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): West, Christopher (School of Kinesiology), Hoekstra, Femke (School of Health and Exercise Sciences), Creighton, Genevieve, Martin Ginis, Kathleen (School of Health and Exercise Sciences), Plamondon, Katrina (Nursing), Vis-Dunbar, Mathew (Southern Medical Program), Campbell, Myron (Creative and Critical Studies), Thorogood, Nancy (ICORD), Willms, Rhonda (ICORD), Mortenson, William (Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy)
    Understanding and Supporting Best Practices for Meaningful Engagement in Spinal Cord Injury Research
  3. Huyser, Kimberley (Sociology)
    Ya'a De Healing Camp
  4. Schmidt, Julia (Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): Mortenson, William (Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy)
    UBC Collaborator(s): Griffioen, Janna (Rehabilitation Sciences), Mamman, Rinni (Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy)
    Developing peer-support programs across British Columbia for people with brain injury

See all recipients


Fifty-two projects led by UBC researchers were awarded a combined $7.2 million.

  1. Arneil, Barbara (Political Science)
    The Past and Present of Domestic Colonialism and Organic Politics
  2. Bena, Jan (Sauder School of Business)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): Bian, Bo (Sauder School of Business)
    Financing the Global Shift to Electric Mobility
  3. Benedet, Janine (Peter A Allard School of Law)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): Grant, Isabel (Peter A Allard School of Law)
    The Criminal Law of Sexual Offences and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  4. Biesanz, Jeremy (Psychology)
    Examining the consequences of likeability
  5. Brown, Helen (Nursing)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): Varcoe, Colleen (Nursing)
    A.R.T. & Justice: Art & Storytelling towards Holistic Wellbeing, Community Building, and Good Governance for People in Prison in British Columbia
  6. Brownlee, Kimberley (Philosophy)
    Face to Face: A Study of Interactional Ethics
  7. Casas Aguilar, Anna (French, Hispanic & Italian Studies)
    Images of Difference: Regionalisms, Gender, and the Evolution of Tourism in Spain (1960-2020)
  8. Cornil, Yann (Sauder School of Business)
    Understanding Consumers' Attitudes Towards Food Processing
  9. DeLongis, Anita (Psychology)
    How can I help? Dyadic coping and support in couples
  10. Doberstein, Carey (Political Science)
    The delegated state: Arms-length agencies and authorities across Canada
  11. Duff, Patricia (Language and Literacy Education)
    UBC Collaborator(s): Li, Duanduan (Asian Studies), Wang, Qian (Asian Studies)
    Sociopolitical and sociocultural dimensions of learning Chinese as an additional language: Changing global contexts, media discourse, and learners
  12. Dulic, Aleksandra (Creative and Critical Studies)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): Lasserre, Patricia (Computer Science), Thorogood, Miles (Creative and Critical Studies)
    Okanagan WaterFutures: Experiential Games for Water Responsibility

  13. Frohlick, Susan (Community, Culture and Global Studies)
    Sound, Memory, Listening: Sonic Worlds and Refugees' Emergent Belonging in a Multiracial City
  14. Gadermann, Anne (School of Population and Public Health)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): Forer, Barry (Human Early Learning Partnership), Guhn, Martin (School of Population and Public Health), Oberle, Eva (School of Population and Public Health)
    Pathways from early childhood to young adulthood: Early indicators of secondary and post-secondary graduation outcomes for children and youth in BC
  15. Gerofsky, Susan (Curriculum & Pedagogy)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): Nicol, Cynthia (Curriculum & Pedagogy)
    Re-storying intergenerational community relationships with mathematics through embodied mathematical arts
  16. Giammarino, Ronald (Sauder School of Business)
    UBC Co-applicant: Carlson, Murray (Sauder School of Business)
    Municipal Corporate Finance
  17. Gornall, Will (Sauder School of Business)
    The financial returns to innovation
  18. Grinnell, George (Creative and Critical Studies)
    Punk Pedagogy
  19. Hammerly, Christopher (Linguistics)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): Silfverberg, Miikka P. (Linguistics), Tessier, Anne-Michelle (Linguistics)
    Mapping and modelling grammatical person and voice in Ojibwe
  20. Hnatkovska, Viktoria (Economics)
    Price setting, welfare and monetary policy in emerging market economies: Theory and evidence from India
  21. Ichikawa, Jonathan (Philosophy)
    Epistemic Courage, Oppression, and the Duty to Believe
  22. Juhasz, Reka (Economics)
    How Did East Asia Ascend? The Impact of Industrial Policy on Industrialization in Post-war East Asia
  23. Kaushal, Asha (Peter A Allard School of Law)
    Immigration Law's Companions: Family Law, Criminal Law, and International Law
  24. Lahiri, Amartya (Economics)
    Supply Shocks, Wage-Price Spirals and Monetary Policy
  25. Latimer, Heather (Community, Culture and Global Studies)
    Conceiving the Future: Dystopia and Reproductive Politics
  26. Laurin, Kristin (Psychology)
    Reluctance to disclose political identities: Causes and consequences
  27. LeBaron, Michelle (Peter A Allard School of Law)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): Senbel, Maged (School of Community and Regional Planning)
    Choreographing Change: Applying Arts Practices to Transform Worldview Conflicts in Canada and Beyond
  28. Mason, Glenda (School of Audiology & Speech Sciences)
    Children's Speech Development in Complex Words Online
  29. McCarty, Matthew (Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies)
    Globalizing Ancient Countrysides: Oarda Roman Villa Project
  30. Miller, William (Occupational Science)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): Bundon, Andrea (School of Kinesiology), Mitchell, Ian (Computer Science), Mortenson, William (Occupational Science)
    A community-based system for sharing Recreational Assistive Devices (RAD)
  31. Moran, Patrick (French Hispanic & Italian Studies)
    Le marché céleste : essai sur l'émergence des genres littéraires narratifs au Moyen Âge
  32. Nesbitt, Lorien (Forest Resources Management)
    UBC Co-applicants: Hagerman, Shannon (Foresty), Kozak, Robert (Forestry)
    Charting new pathways to achieving recognitional justice in urban greening
  33. Oberle, Eva (School of Population and Public Health)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): Forer, Barry (Human Early Learning Partnership), Gadermann, Anne (School of Population and Public Health), Guhn, Martin (School of Population and Public Health), Kassan, Anusha (Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education)
    Trajectories of positive youth development in schools: understanding diversity and assets in population subgroups
  34. Perla, Jesse (Economics)
    UBC Collaborator(s): Leyton-Brown, Kevin (Computer Science), Schmidt, Mark (Computer Science)
    Deep learning methods for solving high-dimensional equilibrium models
  35. Pollock, Courtney (Physical Therapy)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): Mortenson, William B.
    Retired Para Athletes' Participation in Sport Leadership in Canada: Retention of Para Athlete Knowledge to Drive the Future of Para Sport
  36. Qian, Yi (Sauder School of Business)
    Investigating the impact of business-to-business (B2B) buying groups on buyer-supplier relationships in Healthcare Industry
  37. Sarfaty, Galit (Peter A Allard School of Law)
    Supply Chain Governance at a Distance: How Technocratic Tools Shape the Implementation of Human Rights Due Diligence
    Dr. Sarfaty has since joined the University of Toronto 
  38. Sarsons, Heather (Economics)
    The Economic Effects of Masculinity Norms
  39. Savalei, Victoria (Psychology)
    Model selection for psychological scales
  40. Silver, Erin (Art History, Visual Art & Theory)
    Queer Operatives: Writing, Making, and Transmitting Queer Canadian Art Histories
  41. Sinnamon, Luanne (Art History, Visual Art & Theory)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): Nathan, Lisa (School of Information), O'Brien, Heather (School of Information)
    Understanding Personal and Public Sense Making in response to the Climate Crisis
  42. Stecklov, Guy (Sociology)
    The Great War and Population Change in Canada
  43. Stein, Sharon (Educational Studies)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): Ahenakew, Cash (Educational Studies), De Oliveira Andreotti, Vanessa (Educational Studies), Valley, William (Land and Food Systems)
    UBC Collaborator(s):  Arefin, Mohammed (Geography), Cohen, Tamara (Land and Food Systems), Dempsey, Jessica (Geography)
    Decolonial Systems Literacy for Confronting 'Wicked' Social and Ecological Problems
  44. Szkup, Michal (Economics)
    Understanding Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises: The Role of Contagion, Information, and Liquidity Support
  45. Tessier, Anne-Michelle (Linguistics)
    UBC Collaborator(s): Bouchard, Marie-Eve (French, Hispanic and Italian Studies)
    Learning French Liaison: the roles of input, grammar and frequency
  46. Tworek, Heidi (History)
    UBC Collaborator(s): Tiberghien, Yves (Political Science)
    A Global Comparative Study of Policies to Protect Democratic Participation on Social Media Platforms
  47. Vertinsky, Ilan (Sauder School of Business)
    The dynamic processes of intellectual property protection and litigation between partners in inter-firm alliances
  48. Vertinsky, Patricia (Kinesiology)
    Owning the human movement system: The historical roots and shoots of Kinesiology's quest to become a regulated health care profession in British Columbia, Canada
  49. Wagner, Katherine (Economics)
    Equity and Economic Efficiency in Natural Disaster Insurance Markets
  50. Walker, David (Management)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): van Jaarsveld, Danielle (Sauder School of Business)
    And just like that, things got worse? The role of key moments in service encounters on customer co-production, customer satisfaction, and employee performance
  51. Zhang, Li (Sauder School of Business)
    Financial Analyst's Conflicts of Interest during M&A deal and activist short campaign
  52. Zhao, Jiaying (Psychology)
    UBC Co-applicant(s): Donner, Simon (Geography, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries), Dunn, Elizabeth (Psychology)
    Can we integrate happiness science and climate science to reduce carbon emissions?

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    First Nations land acknowledegement

    We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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