January 12, 2023
The Office of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation is pleased to announce the appointment of two UBC faculty members to the role of faculty research advisors.
Faculty research advisors serve both campuses and provide strategic guidance, advice and leadership regarding research funding. They work in collaboration with VPRI support units to promote awareness of funding opportunities across all disciplines and to provide support for individuals or groups considering applications to federal funding agencies.
The new faculty research advisors are:
- CFI: Dr. Jehannine Austin (Medical Genetics / Psychiatry)
- Health research (CIHR): Dr. Kelly McNagny (Medical Genetics / School of Biomedical Engineering)
As we welcome the new advisors, we would also like to acknowledge the outstanding contribution of the outgoing faculty research advisors. Dr. Liisa Galea served as the health research advisor since 2021. Dr. Leonard Foster has served as faculty research advisor for CFI since 2013.
Drs. Purang Abolmaesumi and Lisa Sundstrom continue to serve as the faculty research advisors for sciences & engineering research (NSERC) and social sciences & humanities research (SSHRC) respectively.