UBC doctoral researchers receive SSHRC Fellowships

November 2, 2020

The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, announced that the Government of Canada is investing $26 million over the next four years to support 540 doctoral researchers across Canada through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council’s (SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowships competition.

This funding will allow graduate students to pursue research in areas of critical social importance, such as the effects of climate change; the development of sustainable food systems; Indigenous languages; law and environmental revitalization; the impacts of chronic and recreational cannabis use; and psychological resilience from past traumas.

The  SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships are offered through one annual, national competition and are valued at $20,000 per year.

Read the Government of Canada announcement.

A total of 29 doctoral researchers currently enrolled at UBC were awarded SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships.

  1. Bailie, Krista M.
    Beyond Feminism: Post-identity selfhood and performance art in East Germany, 1974-1989
  2. Cadger, Emily A.
    Constructing national identity in the British Empire through art and ecology
  3. Chaudhary, Zarah 
    How do you measure 'good enough'? Aligning high stakes assessments of learning with contemporary test validity theory standards
  4. Cheng, Zhaohua 
    Urban forest-based solutions for enhancing urban resilience

  5. Fischer, Olivia 
    Accessing mental health services: Barriers facing transgender and non-binary parents and prospective parents
  6. Hart, Melissa J.
    Novel and digital research as co-agents for eco-activism, in the rarest rainforest on Earth
  7. Heaslip, Sean R.
    What helps and hinders during assumptive help-receiving experiences: An enhanced critical incident study
  8. Kling, Lucas 
    Abstract encounters: queering nonrepresentational modern and contemporary art
  9. Lacy, Rachel 
    Tokens in late medieval and early modern English theatre and theology
  10. Lawrason, Sarah V.C.
    Enhancing physical activity quantity and quality among people with spinal cord injuries who ambulate
  11. Lawrence, Toby K.
    Models of Reimagined Curatorial Practice: Labour, Land, and Community
  12. Manuel, Alexa B.
    Syilx Approaches to Literary Criticism
  13. Marr, Kelsey L.
    Shifting futures: Swedish immigration, nationalism, and reproductive planning
  14. Milewski, Patricia D.
    Flowers of Parnassus: A Critical Survey and Analysis of Two Seventeenth-Century German Songbooks by Gertrud Möller and Johann Sebastiani
  15. Morris, Rae M.
    Interactions and Communication Between Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Mental Health Providers: An Interpretive Description Study
  16. Norris, Matthew P.
    Our Voices - Urban Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  17. Pachkowski, Mikayla C.D.
    Dissociating from the fear of death: An examination of personal characteristics that may facilitate the decision to die by suicide
  18. Peers, Robyn 
    The Terror Within: Neoliberalism and the rhetoric of fatphobia in North American public discourse
  19. Pradhan, Kesha 
    Mate Selection: Young Adult-Parent Goal-Directed Processes
  20. Rutigliano, Valentina 
    M&As and Labor Markets: How Human Capital Shapes Deals and How Deals Affect Incumbents
  21. Stewart, Jessica D.W.
    The Good Target Across the Lifespan
  22. Straus, Elizabeth 
    Supporting well-being and addressing marginalization for technology-dependent young people with disabilities
  23. Timler, Kelsey M.
    Growing together: Strengthening foodways and legal traditions for wellbeing through a participatory gardening and culinary program with justice-involved Indigenous women
  24. Wadden, Jordan 
    Examining the Moral and Epistemic Space for Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
  25. Wilkinson, Michael J.
    Make it Real: Peformance, Technology, and Meaning-Making in Arthur Conan Doyle
  26. Xiang, Ran 
    A cultural analysis of the tea ceremony as a form of aesthetic pedagogy
  27. Yu, Christine M.
    The Help-Seeking Process for Racial and Ethnic Minority Parents of Children with Anxiety: A Grounded Theory
  28. Zeni, Megan 
    No child left inside: loose parts, risky play, and teachers' perceptions of risk associated with playful learning outside the classroom
  29. Zhu, Ma 
    Assessing resilience: Do Chinese international students and Canadian domestic students process resilience items differently?

Read more about FellowshiP recipients at UBC Vancouver 

All Recipients

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We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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