UBC leading high-risk, high-reward interdisciplinary research supported by New Frontiers in Research Fund Competitions

April 25, 2023

April 25, 2023

The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, and the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Health, announced more than $200 million in support for Canadian-led interdisciplinary, international, high-risk and high-reward research through the New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF).

Through three different NFRF competitions, the government will support 195 projects.

The NFRF 2022 Transformation competition is funding six large-scale, interdisciplinary research projects that address major challenges; the NFRF 2022 Exploration competition is funding 128 research projects that are bringing disciplines together in novel ways to form bold, innovative perspectives; and the NFRF 2022 Special Call on research for postpandemic recovery is supporting 61 research teams that will mobilize efforts in support of a more equitable, sustainable and resilient postpandemic reality by addressing priorities identified in the UN Research Roadmap for the COVID-19 Recovery.

16 projects led by UBC researchers were awarded almost $29 million through these programs.


UBC-led projects

2022 Transformation stream 

Rare Isotopes to Transform Cancer Therapy

PI: Bénard, François (Radiology)

Co-PI: Ramogida, Caterina (Simon Fraser University)
UBC Co-applicants: Lin, Kuo-Shyan (Radiology); Perrin, David (Chemistry); Reid, Gregor (Pediatrics)
Other Co-applicants: Beauregard, Jean-Mathieu (Université Laval); Guérin, Brigitte (Université de Sherbrooke); Hoehr, Cornelia (TRIUMF); Luyt, Leonard (Western University); Radchenko, Valery (TRIUMF); Regier, Dean (BC Cancer - BC Cancer Research Centre); Reilly, Raymond (University of Toronto); Schaffer, Paul (TRIUMF); Schirrmacher, Ralf (University of Alberta); Uribe, Carlos (BC Cancer); Wuest, Frank (University of Alberta); Yang, Hua (TRIUMF)
Collaborators: Koester, Ulli (Institut Laue-Langevin ); Ooms, Maarten (SCK CEN); Price, Eric (University of Saskatchewan); Seimbille, Yann (Erasmus MC); van der Meulen, Nicholas (Paul Sherrer Institute); Van der Voorde, Michiel (SCK CEN)
Award: $23.8 million over six years

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2022 Exploration stream 

10 UBC-led projects were awarded a combined $2.5 million

  • PI: Algar, W Russ (Chemistry)
    Co-PI: Li, Xiaoxiao (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
    Co-applicant: Wang, Gang (Pathology and Laboratory Medicine)
    Cell-Based Medical Diagnostic Testing on a Smartphone for Low-Resource Communities
  • PI: Cao, Yankai (Chemical and Biological Engineering)
    Co-applicant: Lu, Qiugang (Texas Tech)
    Global Optimal and Interpretable Models for Grid-Scale Battery Management
  • PI: Cembrowski, Mark (Cellular & Physiological Sciences)
    Co-applicants: Fatehi, Mostafa (Neurosurgery); Hirsch-Reinshagen, Veronica (Pathology and Laboratory Medicine); Maguire, John (Pathology and Laboratory Medicine); Redekop, Gary (Neurosurgery); Yachie, Nozomu (School of Biomedical Engineering)
    The cell-type-specific basis of epilepsy and treatment in the living human brain
  • PI: Charest-Morin, Raphaele (Orthopaedics)
    Co-applicants: Bettegowda, Chetan (Johns Hopkins); Dea, Nicolas (Neurosurgery); Yip, Stephen (Pathology and Laboratory Medicine)
    Personalized medicine for primary bone tumors of the spine
  • PI: Hung, Lillian (Nursing)
    Co-applicants: Lim, Angelica (Simon Fraser University); Mortenson, Ben (Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy)
    Co-create virtual reality with patients, families, staff, decision-makers, and industry to achieve inclusivity and sustainability
  • PI: Kravchenko, Sergey (Materials Engineering)
    Co-PI: Stenning, David (Simon Fraser University)
    Non-destructive, probabilistic reconstruction of the fiber orientation distribution in compression molded fiber reinforced polymer composite based on thermal imaging and Bayesian inference
  • PI: Low, Margaret (School of Community and Regional Planning)
    Co-PI: Cole, Lindsay (Educational Studies / School of Public Policy and Global Affairs)
    Accelerating Transformative Public Sector Innovation Toward Social and Ecological Justice
  • PI: Ma, Hongshen (Mechanical Engineering)
    Co-applicant: Johnson, Pauline (Microbiology and Immunology)
    Immune profiling using single cell cytokine secretome and transcriptome analysis
  • PI: Madhav, Manu (Biomedical Engineering)
    Co-PI: Miolane, Nina (UC Santa Barbara)
    Modeling the geometry and symmetry of cognitive maps
  • PI: Zou, Zhengbo (Civil Engineering)
    Co-PI: Im, Hee Yeon (Psychology)
    Social-emotional intelligence in construction robots: reducing barriers for dynamic human-robot collaboration in construction environments

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2022 Special call: Research for Postpandemic Recovery 

5 UBC-led projects were awarded a combined $2.5 million

  • PI: Cao, Yankai (Chemical and Biological Engineering)
    Co-applicants: Singh, Manish Kumar (University of Minnesota); Sokhansanj, Shahab (Chemical and Biological Engineering)
    Trash is cash: Building resilient rural communities through localized production of critical commodities
  • PI: Chang, Stephanie (School of Community and Regional Planning)
    Co-PIs: Kajitani, Yoshio (Kagawa University); Watson, Maria (Texas A&M University)
    Co-applicants: Botha, Elsamari (University of Canterbury); de Ruiter, Marleen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam); Malinen, Sanna (University of Canterbury); Roa-Henriquez, Alfredo (North Dakota State); Walker, Bernard (University of Canterbury)
    Supporting business preparation for future shocks: International cases to understand how recovery programs can facilitate adaptation
  • PI: Kravchenko, Sergey (Materials Engineering)
    Co-PIs: Abdin, Yasmine (Materials Engineering); Arjmand, Mohammad (School of Engineering, UBCO); Huh, Tim (Sauder School of Business)
    Additive Manufacturing for Sustainable Supply Chain of Postpandemic
  • PI: Oliffe, John (Nursing, UBCV)
    Co-PI: Ogrodniczuk, John (Psychiatry)
    Co-applicants: Kealy, David (Psychiatry); Mootz, Jennifer (Columbia University); Rice, Simon (University of Melbourne); Seidler, Zac (University of Melbourne)
    Preventing male suicide through social connection and mutual help|
  • PI: Rush, Kathy (Nursing, UBCO)
    Co-PI: Li, Eric (Management, UBCO)
    Co-applicants: Ansermino, Mark (Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics); Behan, Justine (BC Children's Hospital); Dow-Fleisner, Sarah (School of Social Work, UBCO); Hasan, Mohammad (Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, UBCO); Hu, Min (Economics, Philosophy and Political Science, UBCO); Hutchinson, Peter (School of Population and Public Health); Manhas, Rajeev (Baba Farid University of Health Sciences); Yakong, Vida (University for Development Studies); Zajko, Mike (History and Sociology, UBCO)
    DIGITY: DIGital inclusion through social Innovation and TechnologY synergies in rural communities: A multi-disciplinary and multi-country collaboration


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First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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