UBC Researchers Receive Diabetes Team funding

November 25, 2021

November 25, 2021

The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Health, today announced a joint investment of $20 million to support new diabetes research teams across Canada.

The Government of Canada is providing $14 million of the funding announced today through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). The additional $6 million is provided by JDRF Canada, Diabetes Canada, The Kidney Foundation of Canada, and Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé. This investment is part of CIHR’s 100 Years of Insulin: Accelerating Canadian Discoveries to Defeat Diabetes initiative. 

These teams will work to develop new approaches to preventing, treating, and caring for Canadians living with diabetes. Researchers will also work with patient partners—people with lived experience of diabetes—to ensure that the research being conducted is relevant and valuable to the people that it affects most. 

Researchers at UBC and affiliated health research institutes are involved in seven of the 17 funded teams.

Additionally, UBC Associate Professor Dr. Francis Lynn has been awarded the Diabetes Canada Early Career Researcher Partnership Prize.

FUnded Teams with UBC Members

Read the Government of Canada announcement

Learn more about all of the funded projects

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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