UBC Researchers receive over $2.8m through NSERC Strategic Partnership Grants

May 1, 2019

Five UBC projects are to receive a total of over $2.8m through NSERC Strategic Partnership Grants (SPG). These grants are intended to connect Canada’s brightest researchers with industry, government and other partners to transform fundamental science into tangible benefits for Canadians.

A total investment of $44m was announced nationally for 75 projects. This investment will enable researchers to come up with new solutions to address challenges in areas such as environment, agriculture, information, communications technologies, natural resources, energy, and advanced manufacturing. By partnering with Canadian companies, researchers will also receive the training and experience they need to be labour market-ready.

NSERC Release

​UBC Funding Recipients

  • Curtis Berlinguette
    (Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chemistry)      
    Electrocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide into synthetic building blocks
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  • Lukas Chrostowski
    (Electrical and Computer Engineering)       
    An Integrated Quantum Key Distribution Transceiver using Silicon Photonic Circuits
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  • Nicholas Coops
    (Forest Resources Management)
    Remote mapping and characterization of riparian forests and fish habitat potential using advanced remote sensing approaches
  • Steven Hallam
    (Microbiology and Immunology)       
    Restructuring cyanobacterial metabolism for high-value compound production
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  • Vincent Wong
    (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
    Technologies to Support Enhanced Mobile Broadband and Tactile Internet Applications in 5G Wireless Systems
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Full list of recipients

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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