UBC researchers have been awarded $40.1m through NSERC's Discovery Grants competitions.
The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, announced more than $492 million in funding by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), through its Discovery research program.
This funding will support researchers across the country as they pursue research in a wide variety of natural sciences and engineering disciplines, including biology, mathematics and statistics, computer science and artificial intelligence, chemistry, and chemical engineering. It also includes support for early-career researchers who will bring new perspectives and insights to their fields, enabling them to become the research leaders of tomorrow.
Read the NSERC annouNCement
UBC researchers were awarded a total of $37.1m for 183 projects through the Discovery Grants, Research Tools and Instruments Grants and Subatomic Particle Physics Grants programs. A supplementary $3m was awarded through Discovery Accelerator and Discovery Launch grants and the Northern Research and Ship Time supplementary programs. The awards are as follows:
- 156 Discovery Grants with a combined investment of $33.4m over five years,
- 16 Discovery Accelerator Supplements worth $1.9m over three years
- 37 Discovery Launch Supplements for early career researchers worth $0.5m for one year
- 3 Northern Research Supplements worth $0.2m over five years
- Ship Time Supplements worth $0.4m
- 26 Research Tools and Instruments grants worth $3.2m for one year
- 1 Subatomic Particle Physics Project grant of $0.5m over three years
UBC Recipients: Discovery Grants
- Aitken, Sally (Forest and Conservation Sciences)
Capacity of conifer populations for climate adaptation
- Alam, Shahria (Okanagan - Applied Science, Faculty of)
Novel and Emerging Technologies for Sustainable and Seismically Resilient Infrastructure
- Allan, Douglas (Cellular and Physiological Sciences)
Protein translation control of organism development
- Ameli, Ali (Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences)
Understanding the hydrologic function of catchments and identifying catchment streamflow sensitivity to climate change
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Andrews, Jeffrey (Okanagan - Mathematics, Statistics and Physics Unit)
Topics in unsupervised statistical learning
- Angel, Omer (Mathematics)
Applications of random graphs and walks
- Aoki Cerri, Ronaldo (Land and Food Systems, Faculty of)
Estrus and Data Science: Implications to the Pre-implantation Endometrium Biology and Genomic Selection
- Arcese, Peter (Forest and Conservation Sciences)
Ecology, evolution, and adaptation in small populations
- Arjmand, Mohammad (Okanagan - Engineering, School of)
Advanced 3D Printed Conductive Polymer Nanocomposites toward Electromagnetic Interference Shielding
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Berciu, Mona (Physics and Astronomy)
Variational studies of strongly-correlated systems
- Bergstrom, Kirk (Okanagan - Biology)
The Role of Mucin-type O-glycosylation in Fitness and Transmission of Intestinal Symbiotic Bacteria In Vivo
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Beristain, Alexander (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Deciphering cellular and molecular pathways controlling invasive trophoblast differentiation
$120,000 Discovery Accelerator Supplement
- Beschastnikh, Ivan (Computer Science)
Compiling Distributed System Models into Implementations
- Beznosov, Konstantin (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Novel Physical Protection of Personal Mobile Assets
- Bloem-Reddy, Benjamin (Statistics)
Statistical machine learning for dependent data: symmetry and novel dependence structures
$120,000 Discovery Accelerator Supplement
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Blouin, Jean-Sébastien (Kinesiology, School of)
Sensorimotor integration and balance
- Boley, Aaron (Physics and Astronomy)
Planets, Debris, and Us: Planet formation, its aftermath, and human activities in space
- Brinkman, Ryan (Medical Genetics)
Automated analysis of high dimensional flow cytometry data
- Chan, Kai (Resources, Environment and Sustainability, Institute for)
Towards Net Positive Impacts on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
- Chanway, Christopher (Forest and Conservation Sciences)
Potential role of the gymnosperm microbiome in a changing climate
- Chen, David (Chemistry)
Enabling technologies for high performance mass spectrometry applications
- Cheung, Karen (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Microfluidics and inkjet for biomedical engineering materials
- Choptuik, Matthew (Physics and Astronomy)
Problems in numerical relativity
- Coombs, Daniel (Mathematics)
Super-resolution imaging, single cell analysis, and modelling approaches applied to the study of immune cell signaling and behaviour
- Dai, Chunping (Wood Science)
Integrated Computer Models for Next generation Engineered Wood Products
- Daniels, Lori (Forest and Conservation Sciences)
Forest resilience in the 21st century: Adapting to altered fire regimes and climate change
- Dao Duc, Khanh (Mathematics)
Investigating the properties of the ribosomes and their impact on translation dynamics across scales and systems
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- D'Arcy, Mitch (Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences)
Signals of Climate Change in Erosion and Sedimentation Systems
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Davies, Thomas (Botany)
Towards a phylogenetic ecology of plant pests and pathogens: using evolutionary history to model species interactions
- de Boer, Carl (Biomedical Engineering, School of)
Molecular and computational tools for regulatory genomics
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Devlin, Angela (Pediatrics)
One Carbon Nutrients and Vascular Function
- Deyholos, Michael (Okanagan - Biology)
Pectin-modifying enzymes in plant development and interactions with fungi
- Eaton, Brett (Geography)
Linking sediment transport in gravel bed rivers to channel migration and bed stability
- Eberle, Wilson (Okanagan - Engineering, School of)
Next Generation Smart-Grid Enabled Electric Vehicle Chargers
- Edelstein-Keshet, Leah (Mathematics)
Models and computation of intracellular signaling in single and collective cell migration
- Elfring, Gwynn (Mechanical Engineering)
Modelling the dynamics of active matter
$120,000 Discovery Accelerator Supplement
- Feldman, Rebecca (Okanagan - Irving K Barber School of Arts and Sciences)
Image acquisition and analysis tools for magnetic resonance imaging near brain injury
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Fels, Sidney (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Creating and Evaluating New Media Interfaces for Expression
- Feng, Hsi-Yung (Mechanical Engineering)
Next Generation Machining Simulation Technologies for Complete and Efficient Process Validation
- Foster, Glen (Okanagan - Health and Exercise Science, School of)
Human respiratory and neurocirculatory plasticity induced by intermittent hypoxia
- Foulds, Ian (Okanagan - Engineering, School of)
Microfluidic Sample Handling for the Spectroscopic Integration (SPIN) Program
- Frankel, Adam (Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of)
Methylarginine Dynamics in Cellular Processes
- Fraser, Ailana (Mathematics)
Minimal submanifolds in Riemannian geometry
- Frigaard, Ian (Mechanical Engineering)
Sealing, Plugging and Visco-plastic Networks
- Fryzuk, Michael (Chemistry)
Discovery of New Catalysts for Functionalization of Molecular Nitrogen
- Garbi, Rafeef (Applied Science, Faculty of)
Towards Generalizable Reasoned Deep Learning for Efficient Interpretable Medical Image Computing
- Gates, Derek (Chemistry)
Synthetic Phosphorus Chemistry: The Systematic Development of Phosphorus-Containing Molecules and Polymers
- Gergel, Sarah (Forest and Conservation Sciences)
Dynamics of Ecosystem Services from Linked Urban Forests and Streams: Towards Next-Generation Landscape Indicators
- Ghoussoub, Nassif (Mathematics)
Mass transfers and Optimal Stochastic Transports
- Goldowitz, Daniel (Medicine, Faculty of)
Identification of long non-coding RNAs in mammalian brain development
- Gordon, Julia (Mathematics)
Measures, orbital integrals, and counting points.
- Granot, Daniel (Sauder School of Business)
Sustainability and Qualitative Sensitivity Analysis in Network Models
- Groat, Lee (Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences)
Development of Genetic Models and Exploration Criteria for Gem and Pegmatite Deposits
$75,000 Northern Research Supplement
- Gsponer, Joerg (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
Designing interactions mediated by disordered protein regions
- Hallas, Alannah (Physics and Astronomy)
New Frontiers in Magnetic Quantum Materials
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Handy, Todd (Psychology)
Attention in Dynamic and Individualized Contexts
- Heckman, Nancy (Statistics)
Functional Data Analysis, Mixed Models and Hidden Markov Models
- Hedtrich, Sarah (Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of)
Development of complex-human-based organ models
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Hermon, Jonathan (Mathematics)
Particle systems and universality of the cutoff phenomenon
$120,000 Discovery Accelerator Supplement
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Hewage, Kasun (Okanagan - Engineering, School of)
Life cycle thinking based low-impact construction strategies for Canadian micro-communities
$120,000 Discovery Accelerator Supplement
- Hill, Alex (Okanagan - Mathematics, Statistics and Physics Unit)
The Dynamic Interstellar Medium
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Hu, Alan (Computer Science)
Automated Formal Verification for Domain-Specific Hardware Acceleration
- Huan, Tao (Chemistry)
Development of analytical and bioinformatic tools for mass spectrometry-based untargeted metabolomics
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Huh, Woonghee (Sauder School of Business)
Inventory control, revenue management and pricing: Data-driven stochastic optimization approaches
- Jatskevich, Juri (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Advanced Tools for Modelling and Analysis of Evolving Power and Energy Systems
- Jirasek, Andrew (Okanagan - Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics)
Development of optical spectroscopic and 3D dosimetric systems in radiation therapy
- Johnson, Mark (Resources, Environment and Sustainability, Institute for)
Ecohydrological regulation of carbon and water interactions in natural and managed environments
- Jones, David (Physics and Astronomy)
Advancing the characterization of solids: from rocks to quantum materials
- Ju, Myeong Jin (Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences)
In vivo digital retinal pathology: imaging retina with molecular specific contrast and cellular resolution
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Kamgarpour, Maryam (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Stochastic Control for Large-Scale Safety-Critical Systems
$120,000 Discovery Accelerator Supplement
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Karu, Kalle (Mathematics)
Combinatorial problems in the theory of toric varieties
- Kirchen, Patrick (Mechanical Engineering)
Towards Low GHG Natural Gas Energy Systems
- Klegeris, Andis (Okanagan - Biology)
Regulation of astrocyte phagocytosis and other physiological functions by molecules endogenous to the central nervous system
- Klein Geltink, Ramon (Pathology and Lab Medicine)
Cell intrinsic regulation of central carbon metabolism in effector T cells
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Korthauer, Keegan (Statistics)
Integrative and multiscale analysis of epigenomic sequencing data
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Kremen, Claire (IRES)
How diversified agriculture affects biodiversity-ecosystem service relationships and resource use, dispersal and persistence of key wildlife species
- Krems, Roman (Chemistry)
A hybrid approach to quantum dynamics based on the integration of quantum calculations and machine learning
- Lakshmanan, Laks (Computer Science)
Prescriptive Analytics over Graphs, Streams, and Sequences
- Lemieux, Victoria (Library, Archival and Information Studies, School of)
Towards a Solution to the Data Double Spending Problem
- Leung, Cyril (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Energy efficiency and security for wireless communications
- Li, Hongbin (Chemistry)
Protein Mechanics and Engineering at the Single Molecule Level
- Ma, Hongshen (Mechanical Engineering)
Microscopy-based cell separation, selective propagation, and selective single cell sequencing
- Mank, Judith (Zoology)
Sex-specific selection and the evolution of sexual dimorphism
- Markley, Loïc (Okanagan - Engineering, School of)
Electromagnetic periodic structures and metamaterials for imaging and wireless technology
- Marti, Jose (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Advanced Hybrid SFA/EMTP Simulator for Seamless Integration of Power Systems Dynamics and EMT Transients
- Martinez, Mark (Chemical and Biological Engineering)
Novel Applications of Viscoplastic Fluids: Creating New Products for the Pulp and Paper Sector
- Matthews, Benjamin (Zoology)
Molecular basis of egg-laying across mosquitoes
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Matthews, Philip (Zoology)
Gas exchange in water and air: Revealing fundamental mechanisms underlying the development and control of the insect respiratory system
$120,000 Discovery Accelerator Supplement
- McIver, Jessica (Physics and Astronomy)
Decoding the cosmos with gravitational waves
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- McManus, Alison (Okanagan - Health and Exercise Science, School of)
Vascular responsiveness and oxygen transport during exercise in children and adolescents
- McNeil, Christopher (Okanagan - Health and Social Development, Faculty of)
Neural and muscular aspects of fatigue and long-term acclimatization to high altitude.
$120,000 Discovery Accelerator Supplement
- Menard, Frederic (Okanagan - Chemistry)
Design of molecular tools to study protein dynamics in living cells
- Michaletz, Sean (Botany)
Plant functioning in a changing climate
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
$75,000 Northern Research Supplement
- Militzer, Matthias (Materials Engineering)
Computational Design of Complex Microstructures for Advanced Engineering Alloys
- Miskovic, Sanja (Mining Engineering)
Smart Surrogate Models for Design and Operation of Efficient and Sustainable Comminution Units
- Mohseni, Madjid (Chemical and Biological Engineering)
Photochemical and ion exchange processes for optimized water reuse strategies
- Momose, Takamasa (Chemistry)
Spectroscopy and dynamics of cold and ultracold molecules
- Moritz, Orson (Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences)
Probing photoreceptor cell biology using genetically modified amphibians.
- Noh, Minkyun (Mechanical Engineering)
Design and Control of Novel High-speed Bearingless Motors
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Ollivier-Gooch, Carl (Mechanical Engineering)
Accurate, Robust Simulations of Aerodynamics Flows, Especially Wakes and Shocks
- Pakpour, Sepideh (Okanagan - Engineering, School of)
Sustainable, resilient and healthy built environments: An integrated approach
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Pattabiraman, Karthik (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Resilient, Secure, and Programmable Next-Generation Internet of Things (IoT)
- Peacock, Simon (Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences)
Investigation of fluids and hydrated mantle in subduction zones, with a focus on Cascadia
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Perrin, David (Chemistry)
New Molecules, Methods, and Platforms at the Interface of Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology
- Phani, Srikantha (Applied Science, Faculty of)
Mechanics of Structured Materials
- Pither, Jason (Okanagan - Biology)
Imprints and implications of historical contingencies in biodiversity patterns
- Plan, Yaniv (Mathematics)
Low-dimensional structures in high-dimensional data
$120,000 Discovery Accelerator Supplement
- Puterman, Eli (Kinesiology, School of)
Effects of Different Features of a Single Bout of Exercise on Neurobiological Activation and Recovery Following Induction of Psychological Threat
- Renneckar, Scott (Wood Science)
A new bio-based nanomaterial: Fundamental understanding of xylan single crystals for functional applications
- Rhodin, Helge (Computer Science)
Mobile Motion Capture: From Photorealistic Avatars to Privacy Protection
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Richards, Jeffrey (Zoology)
Mechanisms and Evolution of Hypoxia Tolerance
$120,000 Discovery Accelerator Supplement
- Rights, Jason (Psychology)
Development and evaluation of R-squared effect size measures and methods for mixed effects models
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Robeva, Elina (Mathematics)
Statistical Estimation under Nonlinear Algebraic Constraints
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Roeser, Dominik (Forest Resources Management)
Forest utilization strategies to maximize value creation from British Columbia's forest resources
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Rogak, Steven (Mechanical Engineering)
Carbon nanoparticle structure: implications for environmental impacts, measurement and formation
- Rohling, Robert (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Advancing towards ubiquitous medical ultrasound
- Ryan, Christopher (Sauder School of Business)
Optimization methods in operations management and economics
- Sadowski, Ivan (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
Function of Cdk8 in Eukaryotic Cell Growth and Differentiation
- Sammis, Glenn (Chemistry)
New Radical and Fluorination Methods for the Syntheses of Pharmaceuticals
- Saylor, Joel (Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences)
Geodynamic mechanisms of basin and plateau formation in subduction settings
- Schiebinger, Geoffrey (Mathematics)
Towards a mathematical theory of development
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Scott, Douglas (Physics and Astronomy)
Challenging the standard cosmological model
- Seltzer, Margo (Computer Science)
VELOSITY: A New Architecture for Operating System Design and Implementation
- Shakiba, Nika (Biomedical Engineering, School of)
Curbing the Emergence of Clonal Drift in Stem Cell Expansion Culture
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Shave, Rob (Okanagan - Health and Social Development, Faculty of)
Mammalian cardiac structure and function: The influence of evolutionary selection and prevailing hemodynamics
- Shekhar, Sudip (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Integrated Circuits for Large Arrays
- Shepherd, Bruce (Computer Science)
New Synergies Between Combinatorial and Continuous Optimization
- Shmerkin, Pablo (Mathematics)
New connections between Fractal Geometry, Harmonic Analysis and Ergodic Theory
- Smit, Matthijs (Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences)
The evolving composition and tectonics of the continental crust
$120,000 Discovery Accelerator Supplement
- Sokhansanj, Shahab (Chemical and Biological Engineering)
Biomass pelletization and logistics
- Stirling, Peter (Medical Genetics)
Nuclear protein quality control mechanisms during genotoxic stress
$120,000 Discovery Accelerator Supplement
- Summers, Alexander (Computer Science)
Deductive Verification Across the Stack
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Suttle, Curtis (Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences)
Viral discovery and unlocking the role of viruses in taxon-specific microbial mortality
- Taghipour, Fariborz (Chemical and Biological Engineering)
UV-LED Photoreactors for Environmental Monitoring and Treatment
- Taiebat, Mahdi (Civil Engineering)
Understanding, characterization, modeling, and simulation of the spontaneous failure of tailings dams
- Tannant, Dwayne (Okanagan - Applied Science, Faculty of)
Identifying geohazards in glaciated valleys and building rural community resilience via bare-earth point cloud analysis and eco-sensitive mitigation
- Teves, Sheila (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
Evolution and divergence of TBP-mediated transcription activation mechanisms
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Todd, Rebecca (Psychology)
Contextual guidance of attention by emotional information
$120,000 Discovery Accelerator Supplement
- Trajano, Heather (Chemical and Biological Engineering)
Production of Premium Bio-Chemicals from the Canadian Forest
- Tseng, Michelle (Botany)
Multi-species responses to warming
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Upham, David (Chemical and Biological Engineering)
Understanding sustainable catalytic processes on complex melts to produce chemicals and power
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- van de Panne, Michiel (Computer Science)
Learning to Move: Skill Design for Animation and Robotics
- van Willigenburg, Stephanie (Mathematics)
Resolutions of positivity in Hopf algebras
- Veiga, Marcello (Mining Engineering)
Cyanogenic Plants to Extract Gold: an Alternative for Artisanal MIners
- Warburton, Darren (Kinesiology, School of)
Cardiovascular Physiology in the Extremes: Mechanisms of Adaptation
$50,000 Northern Research Supplement
- Ward, Lawrence (Psychology)
Transcranial electrical stimulation and the neural dynamics of consciousness
- Waterman, Stephanie (Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences)
Ocean mixing rates, distributions, mechanisms, impacts and representations from theoretical and observational perspectives
$120,000 Discovery Accelerator Supplement
- Weidberg, Hilla (Cellular and Physiological Sciences)
Maintaining mitochondrial homeostasis during stress
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Werker, Janet (Psychology)
Comparing two phonemic category learning mechanisms in infancy and the factors that modulate their efficacy
- West, Christopher (Cellular and Physiological Sciences)
The cardiac-sympathetic contribution to blood pressure regulation
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- White, Rachel (Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences)
Atmospheric Waves and Regional Weather Extremes
$120,000 Discovery Accelerator Supplement
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Williams, Jennifer (Geography)
Eco-evolutionary dynamics of population spread and plant demography in a changing world
$120,000 Discovery Accelerator Supplement
- Williams, Karla (Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of)
Extracellular Vesicles: Biogenesis, composition, and biological function.
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
- Yadav, Vikramaditya (Chemical and Biological Engineering)
Biovalorization of lignin
- Zandstra, Peter (Biomedical Engineering, School of)
Systematic stem cell bioprocess engineering
- Zhou, Fei (Physics and Astronomy)
Quantum transport and hydrodynamics in strongly interacting systems: Symmetries, Quantum criticality and Entanglement
UBC Recipients: Research Tools and Instruments Grants
- Alam, Sharia (Okanagan - Applied Science, Faculty of)
Uni-Directional Shaking Table (UDST) system controller for the Applied Laboratory for Advanced Materials and Structures (ALAMS)
- Arjmand, Mohammad (Okanagan - Engineering, School of)
Advanced Polymer Melt Mixer for Development of Multifunctional Polymer Composites
- Damascelli, Andrea (Physics and Astronomy)
Micrometer-scale time-resolved ARPES on exfoliated quantum materials and their heterostructures
- Hoorfar, Mina (Okanagan - Engineering, School of)
Environmental Test Chamber Urgently Required to Develop and Calibrate Microfluidic and Thin-film Sensing and Energy Conversion and Storage Technologies
- Huan, Tao (Chemistry)
Ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography - triple quadruple mass spectrometer for quantitative chemical and biochemical analysis
- Jatskevich, Juri (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Hardware and Software for Power-HIL Real-Time Simulation Platform for Integrated AC-DC Energy Systems
- Ma, Hongshen (Mechanical Engineering)
Wide-field microscope to support research programs in image cytometry and image-based cell separation
- Maldonado-Pareja, Maria (Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences)
An autonomous submersible profiling and incubation system to investigate in-situ microbial activity and function in low oxygen waters
- Mayor, Thibault (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
High throughput flow cytometer for the Michael Smith Laboratories
- Milner, Valery (Physics and Astronomy)
Closed-loop cryocooler for continuing an ongoing research on helium nanodroplets
- Mostafavi, Sara (Statistics)
Local Computing Infrastructure for Large Scale Genomic Analysis
- Poole, Warren (Materials Engineering)
Upgrade of Thermomechanical Processing Laboratory
- Poursartip, Anoush (Applied Science, Faculty of)
Autoclave Facility Upgrade for Advanced Applications
- Renneckar, Scott (Wood Science)
Next generation biobased aerogels and hierarchically structured nanocomposites
- Rhodin, Helge (Computer Science)
AuMoCap: Augmented, Portable, Real-Time, Markerless Motion Capture for Digital Humans
- Sawatzky, George (Physics and Astronomy)
Low vibration and low temperature closed-cycle cryostat for oxide MBE and laser-ARPES
- Schafer, Laurel (Chemistry)
Detecting Trace Metals in Synthetic and Biological Macromolecules. ICPMS for a Multi-User Facility in Chemistry
- Soma, Kiran (Psychology)
Microflow Liquid Chromatograph for Ultrasensitive Steroid Profiling by Mass Spectrometry
- Srivastava, Diane (Zoology)
Urgent equipment requirements to continue long-term research program on tropical food webs
- Stoeber, Boris (Mechanical Engineering)
Preparation and Characterization of Piezoelectric Materials
- Tang, Shuo (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
High-Repetition Rate Laser for Real-Time and 3D Photoacoustic Imaging
- Van Waerbeke, Ludovic (Physics and Astronomy)
Probing the cosmic web with the Canada France Imaging Survey
- Wasteneys, Geoffrey (Botany)
A vertical stage stereofluorescence microscope for documenting plant responses to environmental signals
- Wilkinson, David (Chemical and Biological Engineering)
Enhanced X-ray Analysis and in-situ Measurements of Materials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Technologies
- Wilson, David (Orthopaedics)
Upright Open MRI Upgrade for Biomechanics Research
- Wolf, Michael (Chemistry)
Phosphorescence Spectrometer System
UBC Recipient: Subatomic Physics, Project Grants
- Bryman, Douglas (Physics and Astronomy)
Rare Kaon Decay Experiments
Full list of NSERC recipients for the Discovery Grants program
Full list of NSERC recipients for the Disocvery Acceleartor Supplements Program