Research Stories
Recent Research Stories From Across UBC

How a group of UBC researchers is poised to make B.C. the hub of a global green economy

This ‘Cold Tube’ can beat the summer heat without relying on air conditioning

A 3-D printed seatbelt for people with limited hand dexterity

How Indigenous Knowledge is helping fine-tune statistical models

Searching for differences, finding common ground

Bordering the pandemic: COVID-19 and immigration law in Canada

App helps translate stories in multiple Indigenous languages

As many as six billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy, according to new estimates

The secret world of Gentoo penguins

Adult-born neurons keep growing and contributing to brain flexibility long after neurogenesis declines

Not all stress is equal: Early life stress more than doubles the risk of depression in youth

New UBC Psychology study reveals older adults coped with pandemic best