Research Stories
Recent Research Stories From Across UBC

New laser technique images quantum world in a trillionth of a second

Genetic variants place Asians at higher risk of side effects to common medications

When a virus is the cause, racism is often the symptom

Consumers value products more on sunny and snowy days but not when it rains

New study finds companies with women on corporate boards are more innovative, efficient

Ocean fish farming in tropics and sub-tropics most impacted by climate change: UBC study

Hey Google, are my housemates using my smart speaker?

Living near major roads linked to increased risk of dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and MS

UBCO professor simplifies exercise advice for spinal cord injury

UBC student discovers 17 new planets, including potentially habitable, Earth-sized world

Asian Studies professor explores how Hollywood’s portrayal of Muslims has shifted over past two decades

Magnetic field at Martian surface ten times stronger than expected