Michael Smith Health Research BC Funds Knowledge Translation Activities for 15 Teams led by UBC Researchers

October 12, 2022

Michael Smith Health Research BC funding through the 2022 Convening & Collaborating (C2) and Reach competitions suppports teams that are creating pathways from research evidence to impact; and helping to ensure that cutting-edge research can directly improve the health of people and communities in British Columbia and BC’s health system. 

Nine teams led by UBC researchers based at our campuses and affiliated health research institutions received funding through the Convening & Collaborating (C2) Program.  The Michael Smith Health Research BC C2 Program promotes knowledge exchange and meaningful collaboration by supporting researchers, trainees and research users in co-developing research that can directly impact patients and a diverse range of stakeholders. Co-developing research by engaging with stakeholders helps ensure the research is relevant, and can increase the likelihood of leveraging the award into additional funding from national and international sources. It also helps build knowledge translation (KT) capacity, experience and skills in BC’s research and health professional trainees.

Six teams led by UBC researchers based at our campuses and affiliated health research institutions received funding through the Reach Program. The Michael Smith Health Research BC Reach Program promotes knowledge translation (KT) activities by supporting researchers and research users in disseminating research evidence through co-developing events, activities and/or tools to “extend the reach” of their work. This helps teams “reach” audiences who can directly use the knowledge to ultimately improve health and care for British Columbians and their communities. Reach awards also help build KT capacity, experience and skills in BC’s research and health professional trainees.

A total of 31 knowledge translation teams were funded through these two competitions.

Read the full Michael Smith Health Research BC Announcement

UBC-led 2022 Convening and Collaborating Projects

Click the titles to read more about the individual projects.

  • Defining a shared research agenda to improve perinatal health through digital innovation
    Principal Investigator: Gina Ogilvie (School of Population and Public Health)
    Co-lead: Tibor van Rooij
    Team members: Tibor van Rooij (BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute); Punit Virk (UBC); Marianne Vidler (University of British Columbia); Quynh Doan (BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute); May Tauson (Government of BC); Dominik Stoll (Provincial Health Services Authority); Kathryn Berry-Einarson (Perinatal Services BC); Jennifer Krempien (BC Children’s Hospital and BC Women’s Hospital + Health Centre); Candice Taguibao (Women’s Health Research Institute); Beth Payne (BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute)
    Research Location: Children's & Women's Health Centre of British Columbia

  • Tailoring antibiotic audit and feedback according to dentists' needs
    Principal Investigator: 
    David Patrick (School of Population and Public Health)
    Co-lead: Clifford Pau
    Team members: Sade Stenlund (BCCDC); Fawziah Lalji (UBC – Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences); Clifford Pau (UBC – Faculty of Dentistry); Mamun Abdullah (BCCDC); Nick Smith (BCCDC); Max Xie (BCCDC); Lynsey Hamilton (BCCDC); Kirstin Appelt (Sauder School of Business); Dana Stanley (UBC – Therapeutics Initiative); Anat Fisher (UBC Therapeutics Initiative); Sophie Y. Wang (University of Hamburg)
    Research Location:  BC Centre for Disease Control

  • Bridging the knowledge-to-practice gap: Co-developing a Design Jam for building a Learning Health System at Vancouver Coastal Health
    Principal Investigator: 
    Lillian Hung (Nursing - UBCV)
    Co-lead:  David Hall
    Team members: Margaret Chen Mei Lin (UBC); Krisztina Vasarhelyi (Vancouver Coastal Health); Brittany Bingham (Vancouver Coastal Health); Andreas Pilarinos (Vancouver Coastal Health); Shannon Field (Vancouver Coastal Health); Tracy Windsor (Canadian Mental Health Association); Elaina Moss (Canadian Mental Health Association); Steven Barnes (UBC); Sue MacDonald (VCH); Regina Casey (UBC); John Higenbottam (UBC); Andrew Day (Vancouver Coastal Health); Alexander Rutherford (Simon Fraser University); Stephania Manusha (Vancouver Coastal Health); Joleen Wright (Vancouver Coastal Health); Jae-Yung Kwon (University of Victoria); Ben Fair (UBC); Jas Dhahan (Simon Fraser University)
    Research Location: Vancouver Coastal Health

  • Improving access to breastfeeding support in interior British Columbia: A collaborative planning project
    Principal Investigator: 
    Marie Tarrant (Nursing - UBCO)
    Co-lead: Karen Graham
    Team members: Elizabeth Keys (UBC – Okanagan); Rishma Chooniedass (UBC – Okanagan); Michele Hopkins (The Bridge Youth & Family Services); Ellen Boelcke (KCR Community Resources); Olivia Andrews (UBC – Okanagan)
    Research Location: University of British Columbia

  • Group sense making and model building for mapping systems for the promotion of population physical activity in British Columbia
    Principal Investigator: 
    Guy Faulkner (Kinesiology)
    Co-lead: Drona Rasali
    Team members: Drona Rasali (BCCDC); Lori Baugh Littlejohns (BCCDC); Geoff McKee (BCCDC); Daniel Naiman (BC Ministry of Health)
    Research Location: University of British Columbia

  • Building partnerships for improving chronic pelvic pain care in gynecology: A needs assessment of health professionals-in-training
    Principal Investigator: 
     A. Fuchsia Howard (Nursing - UBCV)
    Co-lead: Michelle Lisonek
    Team members: Natasha Orr (UBC – School of Nursing); Paul Yong (UBC – Faculty of Medicine); Leanne Currie (UBC – School of Nursing); Karim Qayumi (UBC – Faculty of Medicine); Margaret Carlyle (UBC – Okanagan; Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Department of History and Sociology); Rachel Langer (UBC – Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Laboratory); Lan Randhawa (UBC – Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Laboratory); Helena Daudt (Pain BC); Jennifer Krist (UBC – School of Nursing)
    Research Location: University of British Columbia

  • Acts of kindness as an antidote to social disconnection: Development and dissemination of an online intervention program to increase social engagement in BC neighbourhoods
    Principal Investigator: 
    Frances Chen (Psychology)
    Co-lead:  Jasica Grewal
    Team members: Jasica Grewal (United Way of BC); Tobias Jones (United Way of BC); Yeeun Archer Lee (UBC); Julia Nakamura (UBC); Rachel Hamilton (UBC)
    Research Location: University of British Columbia

  • Mind the gap: Hormonal contraceptives and the brain
    Principal Investigator: 
     Liisa Galea (Psychology)
    Co-lead: Katherine Moore
    Team members: Katherine Moore (Women’s Health Research Cluster); Jesse Lacasse (Concordia University); Bonnie Lee (UBC); Jennifer Williams (McMaster University); Maureen MacDonald (McMaster University); Nafissa Ismail (University of Ottawa); Elizabeth Hampson (University of Western Ontario); Gillian Einstein (University of Toronto); Frances Chen (UBC); Sofia Ahmed (University of Calgary)
    Research Location: University of British Columbia

  • A partnership approach to co-developing a smoking cessation intervention for persons with spinal cord injury
    Principal Investigator: 
    Heather Gainforth (School of Health and Exercise Sciences UBCO)
    Co-lead: Christopher McBride
    Team members: Christopher McBride (Spinal Cord Injury British Columbia); Kathleen Martin Ginis (UBC); Mary Jung (UBC); Guy Faulkner (UBC); Kelsey Wuerstl (UBC)
    Research Location: University of British Columbia - Okanagan

Full list of C2 award recipients

UBC-led 2022 Reach Projects

  • Co-developing knowledge translation tools to enable rapid mobilization of vaccine research to policy in BC
    Principal Investigator: 
    Manish Sadarangani (Pediatrics)
    Co-lead: Monika Naus
    Team members: Monika Naus (BC Centre for Disease Control); Gabrielle Gaultier (UBC); Julie Bettinger (UBC); Bonnie Henry (Ministry of Health); Susan Hollenberg (UBC); Bryce Wong (BC Pharmacy Association)
    Research Location: BC Children's Hospital Research Institute

  • Building a patient-led and patient-inspired knowledge translation platform for gynecologic cancer research
    Principal Investigator: 
    Gavin Stuart (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
    Co-lead: Nicole Keay
    Team members: Gillian Hanley (UBC); Amy Jamieson (UBC); Janice Kwon (UBC); Lesa Dawson (UBC); Blake Gilks (UBC); Jessica McAlpine (UBC); Brad Nelson (BC Cancer Victoria – Deeley Research Centre); Deborah Money (UBC); Elisabeth McClymont (UBC); Aline Talhouk (UBC); Anna Tinker (BC Cancer Vancouver); Michelle Woo (UBC); Stephanie Lam (UBC); Alexandra Lukey (UBC); Celine Laumont (BC Cancer Victoria – Deeley Research Centre); Siv Klausen (Gynecologic Cancer Initiative); Nicole Keay (Gynecologic Cancer Initiative); Ariadne Hiller (Gynecologic Cancer Initiative); Nancy Cleveland (Gynecologic Cancer Initiative)
    Research Location: UBC Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

  • Remission Possible: A knowledge translation project to inform British Columbians with Type 2 diabetes that remission is possible
    Principal Investigator: 
    Jonathan Little (School of Health and Exercise Sciences UBCO)
    Co-lead:  Damien Gillis
    Team members: Damien Gillis; Barbara Oliveira (UBC Okanagan); Tom Elliot (UBC); Sean McKelvey (Institute for Personalized Therapeutic Nutrition, not-for-profit); Marc Pelletier (Institute for Health Systems Transformation and Sustainability, not-for-profit); Deanne Taylor (Interior Health); Kathleen Martin Ginis (UBC Okanagan and Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management); Krista Lamb; JJ Belanger; Chris Xi
    Research Location:  University of British Columbia

  • Knowledge translation and mobilization to support exercise recommendations for people with bone metastases
    Principal Investigator: 
    Kristin Campbell (Physical Therapy)
    Co-lead: Christine Simmons
    Partners: Lotte & John Hecht Memorial Foundation
    Team members: Christine Simmons (BC Cancer Agency); Alan Bates (BC Cancer); Cathy Clelland (BC Cancer); Sian Shuel (BC Cancer); Leah Lambert (BC Cancer); Sarah Budding Smith (BC Cancer); Chiara Singh (Fraser Health & Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia); Hardip Jhaj (British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists); Rebecca Tunnacliffe (BC Recreation and Parks Association); Tracy Torchetti (Canadian Cancer Society); Sarah Weller (BC Cancer); Stephanie Skourtes (Women’s Health Research Institute); Kirstin Lane (Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education University of Victoria); Sarah Neil-Sztramko (National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools); David Langelier (University of Toronto and Princess Margaret Cancer Centre); Michelle Nadler (Princess Margaret Cancer Centre); Samantha Myers (UBC – Rehabilitation Sciences)​​​​​​​
    Research Location:  University of British Columbia

  • Engaging the unengaged: Using CPBR to develop a brief animated “explainer video” on the elevated risks of BRCA gene mutations in BC’s young adult Jewish community
    Principal Investigator: 
     Lesa Dawson (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
    Co-lead: (Gail) Catriona Remocker​​​​​​​
    Team members: Catriona Remocker (BRCAinBC); Beti Thompson (BRCAinBC); Stephanie Lam (Gynecologic Cancer Initiative)
    Research Location: UBC Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

  • Familial hypercholesterolemia patient engagement forum: Family care and women’s health
    Principal Investigator:
     Liam Brunham (Department of Medicine)
    Co-lead: Nancy Pratt
    Team members: Iulia Iatan (UBC, Centre for Heart and Lung Innovation); Nancy Pratt-Najera (St. Paul’s Hospital); Lubomira Cermakova (St. Paul’s Hospital, Healthy Heart Program Prevention Clinic); Durhane Wong-Rieger (Canadian Organization for Rare Diseases)
    Research Location: Providence Health Care

Full list of Reach award recipients

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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