UBC's Commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion within the CRC Program

UBC has a robust strategy for raising awareness of our commitment to and the benefits of equity, diversity and inclusion within the Canada Research Chair Program (CRCP) and our broader research enterprise.

Our strategy includes the following:

The Canada Research Chairs program includes best practices for promoting equity, diversity and inclusion at each state of planning for, recruiting, hiring and retaining diverse faculty members. More information on CRCP’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Requirements and Practices may be found here.

UBC's Equity Target Data

Equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) strengthen research communities and the quality, social relevance and impact of research. UBC has made positive strides towards meeting the 2029 CRC equity targets to match the greater workforce according to census data.  UBC is currently meeting its equity targets for women and gender minorities, visible minorities/racialized faculty, and Indigenous faculty but is under-represented in chairs held by persons with disabilities.  The following table outsides UBC’s CRC equity and diversity and occupancy rates (as of March 2022).

UBC CRCs by Federally Designated Group: Effective January 1, 2023
Federally Designated GroupsTierActive, Approved, and Nominated 
Chairs as of Jan 1, 2023*
December 2022
Equity Targets**
December 2025
Equity Targets**
December 2029
Equity Targets**
Women and Gender Minorities130252650.9%
Members of Visible Minorities128121222.0%
Persons with Disabilities1*347.5%
Indigenous Peoples1*124.9%

* if the number of chairholders who self-identify is less than 5, the exact number is not provided to protect the privacy of chairs.
** Target percentages are subject to latest Canadian Census numbers and inactive chairs at assessment time

In the spirit of openness and transparency, the Canada Research Chairs program is making public the results and findings of its target-setting exercise, while respecting the Privacy Act.

As an eligibility requirement, all institutions that participate in the Canada Research Chairs Program were required to develop and submit their 2021-2029 equity target plans to the program by June 2021. The plans required setting targets for each of the four designated groups for each of the target deadlines, to lead incrementally, over the period 2021-2029. Large institutions were also required to set targets by Tier, to ensure representation at both the emerging Tier 2 and established Tier 1 levels of the program. See a sample of UBC's target plan here.

At an institutional level, UBC initiated an Employment Equity program based on guidelines established by the federal government. UBC’s Employment Equity measures include the removal of barriers to selection, promotion and training of members of the above-noted designated groups (women, visible minorities, persons with disabilities and Aboriginal Peoples).

In April 2016, UBC’s Equity and Inclusion Office undertook a census of the university population, asking faculty and staff members to self-identify as a member of these four designated groups. The census is also collecting information on sexual orientation and gender diversity. The updated equity information will form the basis for a revised Employment Equity Plan, and assists UBC in setting its employment equity goals. This will further improve UBC's hiring, promotion and retention practices. The university's current Employment Equity Plan can be found here.

Institution-wide equity, diversity, inclusion practices

“Equity and diversity are integral to the mission of the University of British Columbia, and UBC strives to be a community in which equity is embedded in all areas of academic, work and campus life. As one of Canada’s top research universities, a commitment to equity allows us to attract the best teachers and researchers from across Canada and round the world.”

— Santa J. Ono, former UBC President and Vice-Chancellor

Beyond the CRC Program, below are a few of the ways that exemplify UBC's broader commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion.

For further information on equity, inclusion and diversity at UBC, please visit the Equity and Inclusion website.

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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