Terms of Reference: UBC's CRC EDI Program Advisory Committee

UBC’s Canada Research Chair (CRC) Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Action Plan, developed and evolving in consultation with representatives of UBC’s CRCs, follows the requirements set out by the federal CRC Program and by UBC’s strategic commitment to enhance research excellence through the integration of EDI across the research ecosystem.

The Equity & Inclusion Office (EIO) and the office of the VP, Research & Innovation (VPRI) are responsible for developing and updating the CRC EDI Action Plan, implementing its strategic actions, and evaluating and incorporating learning into evolving strategies.


The UBC Canada Research Chair EDI Program Advisory Committee (CRC PAC) advises the CRC EDI Action Plan Implementation Team on matters that help to advance EDI within the CRC program. The Implementation Team comprises the AVP Research & Innovation, the AVP Equity & Inclusion and relevant members of the OVPRI and EIO who are tasked with implementing UBC’s EDI Action Plan.


CRC PAC members will:

  • help to identify systemic barriers to achieving the CRC EDI Action Plan goals
  • provide input on new or evolving initiatives to address challenges identified
  • support the adoption of relevant policies and practices within their circles of influence
  • participate in opportunities to improve networking and connectivity among CRCs
  • advise on cyclical evaluation and continuous improvement of EDI Action Plan.


The CRC PAC and Implementation Team will be accountable to UBC’s AVPs, Research & Innovation, and Equity & Inclusion

Composition and Organization

  1. The committee is co-chaired by the AVPs Equity & Inclusion and Research & Innovation.
  2. The committee is supported by staff from the OVPRI and EIO.
  3. Membership will include 10 active CRCs and two representatives from among the Associate Deans, Research representing both campuses and a diversity of disciplines and experiences.
    • CRCs will be invited to send a statement of interest to sit on the PAC, and invited to serve by the co-chairs, who will give consideration to constituting a diverse PAC.
    • ADs will be invited by the AVP R&I.
  4. The term of appointment is two years, with a possibility of extension. Consideration will be given to ensure staggered terms for continuity.
  5. Meetings will be online to accommodate participation from members working across UBC’s campuses and research sites.
  6. Meetings will be three times per year, one in fall, winter, and spring terms. Additional meetings will be called as needed at the discretion of the co-chairs.
  7. Meeting times and logistics will accommodate members who have access needs.
  8. Ad hoc working groups may be formed to address specific projects.
  9. The Implementation Team may periodically engage in consultation of stakeholders across the research ecosystem, as needed.
  10. Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually.

Expectations and Obligations of Members

  • Foster and contribute to open, collaborative, and respectful discussions.
  • Read and review all meeting materials which, combined with active participation time in meetings, is expected to require an approximate commitment of up to 12 hours per year of membership.
  • Actively participate in all meetings, drawing on their own knowledge, expertise and experience to provide constructive advice.

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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