MSFHR Funds Knowledge Translation Activities for 19 Teams led by UBC Researchers

September 27, 2021

The Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) funding through the 2021 Convening & Collaborating (C2) and Reach competitions will create pathways from research evidence to impact and help ensure that cutting-edge health research can directly improve the health of British Columbians and BC’s health system. 

These collaborative teams consisting of researchers, trainees, and research users are investigating a wide range of research areas that address health challenges facing many populations in BC.

Fourteen teams led by UBC researchers received funding through MSFHR's Convening & Collaborating (C2) Program. The C2 Program helps make research happen by supporting researchers, trainees, and those with lived experience to co-develop research that can have a direct impact on patients and the public. Co-developing research in this way ensures the research’s relevancy and can increase the likelihood of leveraging the award into additional funding from national and international sources.

Five teams led by UBC researchers received funding through MSFHR's Reach Program. MSFHR’s Reach Program helps disseminate research by funding teams to share research evidence with people who can directly benefit from it, with the goal of impacting health and care in BC. Research teams are often made up of clinicians, youth, patient partners, and trainees.

A total of 32 teams were funded through these competitions

Read the full MSFHR Release

UBC-led 2021 Convening and Collaborating Projects

Click the titles to read more about the individual projects.

  • Building capacity to reduce overdose among formerly incarcerated people in British Columbia
    Applicant: Amanda Slaunwhite (School of Population and Public Health)
    Co-lead: Mo Korchinski (Unlocking The Gates Services Society)
    Team members: Ana Becerra (BC Centre for Disease Control); Dr. Helen Brown (School of Nursing, UBC); Dr. Jane Buxton (BC Centre for Disease Control); Dr. Ruth Elwood Martin (School of Population and Public Health, UBC); Kurt Lock (BC Centre for Disease Control); Dr. Tonia Nicholls (Department of Psychiatry, UBC); Dr. Erin Wilson (School of Nursing, University of Northern British Columbia); Chloe Xavier (BC Centre for Disease Control); Dr. Sofia Bartlett (BC Centre for Disease Control); Cameron Geddes (School of Population and Public Health, UBC); Dr. Heather Palis (BC Centre for Disease Control); Marnie Scow (School of Population and Public Health, UBC); Chas Coutlee (Indian Residential School Survivors Society); Nicholas Crier (UBC’s Transformative Health and Justice Cluster ); Jade Hoffman (Prince George Urban Aboriginal Justice Society); Patrick Keating (UBC’s Transformative Health and Justice Cluster ); Jenny McDougall (BC Centre for Disease Control); Rick Meier (Coalition of Substance Users of the North (CSUN)); Dr. Elder Roberta Price (UBC’s Transformative Health and Justice Cluster ); Glenn Young (Unlocking the Gates Services Society); Pam Young (Unlocking the Gates Services Society); Dr. Andrew Ivsins (Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions); Carrie McCully (BC Corrections); Angus Monaghan (BC Mental Health and Substance User Services); Justine Patterson (BC Mental Health and Substance User Services); Kathryn Proudfoot (BC Mental Health and Substance User Services); Dr. Vijay Seethpathy (BC Mental Health and Substance User Services)
    Research Location: BC Centre for Disease Control
  • Contraception and Abortion in BC Meeting: Experience Guiding Research Guiding Care

    Applicant: Sarah Munro (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
    Co-lead: Cheryl Davies (BC's Women's Hospital & Health Centre)
    Team members: Wendy Norman (Department of Family Practice, UBC); Regina Renner (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UBC); Natasha Prodan-Bhalla (Chief Nurse and Professional Practice Officer); Glenys Webster (Director, Women's, Maternal and Early Childhood Health); Ann Pederson (Interim Executive Director); Michelle Fortin (Options for Sexual Health); Unjali Malhotra (First Nations Health Authority Office of the Chief Medical Officer (OCMO)); Madeleine Ennis (Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, UBC); Ali Fuchshuber (School of Population and Public Health); Laura Schummers (Department of Family Practice, UBC); Kate Wahl (Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, UBC); Zeba Khan (UBC; Options for Sexual Health); Carly Rivers (Contraception and Abortion Research Team ); Ama Kyeremeh (Contraception and Abortion Research Team ); Sarah Munro (Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, UBC); Cheryl Davies (BC Women's Hospital and Health Centre, Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA))
    Research Location: BC's Women's Hospital & Health Centre, Women's Health Research Institute

  • Co-design of a novel tendinopathy telerehabilitation intervention

    Applicant: Alex Scott (Physical Therapy)
    Co-lead: Christopher Napier (University of British Columbia – Vancouver Campus)
    Team members: Kohle Merry (University of British Columbia); Alex Scott (University of British Columbia); Chris Napier (Sports Physiotherapy Canada); Jackie Whittaker (University of British Columbia); Rob Morgan (Independent contractor); Carol Kennedy (Treloar Physiotherapy Clinic); Megan MacPherson (University of British Columbia); Bilal Al Momani (Internet of Things Lab, Mohawk College); Brad Wheeler (UBC University Industry Liason Office); Pierre Guy (Vancouver Coastal Health); Dianne Millette (College of Physical Therapists of BC); Maya Butterfield (RA/QA consulting); Joan Weir (Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association)
    Research Location: Centre for Hip Health and Mobility (CHHM)

  • Digital health to guide the transition to menopause: recognizing normal and abnormal changes during reproductive aging

    Applicant: Aline Talhouk (Obstetrics & Gynecology)
    Co-lead: Jerilynn Prior (University of British Columbia)
    Team members: Aline Talhouk (University of British Columbia); Jerilynn Prior (University of British Columbia); Lauren Tindale (University of British Columbia); Malak Ibrahim (University of British Columbia); Lori Brotto (University of British Columbia); Gurm Dhugga (University of British Columbia); Shirley Weir (Community partner); Ali Zentner (Revolution Medical Clinic ); Elise Abi Khalil (University of British Columbia); Shanzhao Wang (OVCARE, BC Cancer Agency); Sabrina Wong (University of British Columbia); Candice Taguibao (Women's Health Research Institute); Nicole Prestley (Women's Health Research Institute)
    Research Location: Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute

  • Creating a Partnership for Obstetrical Health Services Research in BC

    Applicant: Jennifer Hutcheon (Obstetrics & Gynecology)
    Co-lead: Jessica Liauw (University of British Columbia)
    Team members: Dr Ellen Giesbrecht (Perinatal Services BC (PHSA)); Dr Julie van Schalkwyk (BC Women's Hospital (PHSA)); Dr Ken Lim (Maternal-Fetal Medicine, BC Women's Hospital (PHSA)); Dr Chantal Mayer (Maternal-Fetal Medicine (PHSA)); Dr Jason Burrows (Surrey Memorial Hospital (Fraser Health)); Dr Sheona Mitchell (University Hospital of Northern BC (Northern Health)); Dr Raz Moola (Kootenay Lake Hospital (Interior Health)); Dr Luc Beaudet (Cowichan District Hospital (Island Health)); Dr Val Rychel (St Paul's Hospital (Vancouver Coastal)); Dr Gillian Hanley (University of British Columbia, Obstetrics & Gyanecology); Dr Laura Schummers (University of British Columbia, Family Medicine); Dr Charles Litwin (University of British Columbia, Obstetrics & Gynaecology); Ms Amy Hobbs (University of British Columbia, School of Population and Public Health); Mr Kenny Der (Perinatal Services BC (PHSA))
    Research Location: BC Children's Hospital Research Institute

  • Kitchen Table Justice: Co-Developing Indigenous-informed Food Justice Participatory Action Research Strategy to Support Holistic Health & Redress Health Inequities with Paroled Women in BC

    Applicant: Helen Brown (Nursing)
    Co-lead: Angel Willard (BC Centre of Excellence for Women's Health)
    Team members: Kelsey Timler (UBC, Interdisiplinary Studies); Lisa Bowden (Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver); Angel Willard (Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver); Nyki Kish-Field (University of Fraser Valley); Lyana Patrick (Simon Fraser University, Health Sciences); Valerie Napoleon (University of Victoria, Law)
    Research Location: University of British Columbia – Vancouver Campus

  • Collaborating with Indigenous Northern Communities to develop a SmartMom Prenatal Education Texting Program for Teens

    Applicant: Patricia Janssen (School of Population and Public Health)
    Co-lead: Randi Parsons (Northern Health Authority)
    Team members: Patricia Janssen (UBC); Shaina Pennington (UBC); Randi Parsons (Northern Health Authority); Vanessa Salmons (Northern Health Authority); Jennifer Murray (UBC)
    Research Location: BC Children's Hospital Research Institute

  • Reimagining Gynecologic Cancer Survivorship: Creating a Provincial Strategy for Survivorship Research and Care in British Columbia

    Applicant: Lesa Dawson (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
    Co-lead: Siv Klausen (University of British Columbia)
    Team members: Nancy Cleveland (Gynecologic Cancer Initiative); Nicole Keay (Gynecologic Cancer Initiative); Stephanie Lam (University of British Columbia); Jocelle Refol (Simon Fraser University); Gavin Stuart (University of British Columbia); Michelle Woo (University of British Columbia); Nicole Prestley (Women's Health Research Institute); Lori Brotto (Women's Health Research Institute); Janice Kwon (University of British Columbia)
    Research Location: Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute

  • Cancer and Aging Research Engagement: Identifying priorities to enhance research and care of older adults with cancer and their caregivers

    Applicant: Kristen Haase (Nursing)
    Co-lead: Caroline Mariano (BC Cancer)
    Team members: Bonnie Leung (BC Cancer ); Lorelei Newton (University of Victoria, Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO)); Daniel Renouf (BC Cancer ); Sabrina Wong (UBC); Lisa Quay (Jewish Community Centre ); Keiko Funahashi (Tonari Gumi); Anthony Kuperschmidt (West End Seniors Network )
    Research Location: University of British Columbia – Vancouver Campus

  • How can health economic models better reflect patient and public values? Understanding stakeholder perspectives and research priorities through the Peer Models Network

    Applicant: Mohsen Sadatsafavi (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
    Co-lead: Ian Cromwell 
    Team members: Stephanie Harvard (UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences); Ian Cromwell (Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health); Manik Saini (BC Ministry of Health); Jemal Mohamed (BC Ministry of Health); Leah Grantham (Independent Consultant); Amin Adibi (UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences); Eric Winsberg (University of South Florida); Nick Bansback (UBC School of Population and Public Health); David Whitehurst (Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University)
    Research Location: University of British Columbia – Vancouver Campus

  • Exploring Indigenous community access to airway health prevention and care: Towards the development of community-driven interventions

    Applicant: Brittany Bingham (VCH Indigenous Health, Center for Gender and Sexual Health Equity (CGSHE))
    Co-lead: Christopher Carlsten (University of British Columbia)
    Team members: Andreas Pilarinos (Vancouver Coastal Health; University of British Columbia); Dr. Christopher Carlsten (University of British Columbia; Legacy for Airway Health, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute;); Shannon Field (Vancouver Coastal Health; University of British Columbia); Dr. Karen Rideout (Legacy for Airway Health, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute); Dr. Pat Camp (University of British Columbia); Dr. Phalgun Joshi (Legacy for Airway Health, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute;); Shiloh Joe (Sechelt First Nation); Coreen Paul (Musqueam First Nation); Dr. Michael Dumont (Lu'ma Medical Centre); Dr. Krisztina Vasarhelyi (Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute; Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University;); Dr. Roberta Price (Snuneymuxw and Cowichan First Nations); Leslie Bonshor (Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute; Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University;)
    Research Location: Vancouver Coastal Health

  • Enhancing Patient Self Care and Management of Atrial Fibrillation within Primary Care

    Applicant: Kathy Rush (Nursing)
    Co-lead: Louann Janicki (Interior Health Authority)
    Team members: Ryan Wilson (UBC Okanagan- School of Nursing); Peter Loewen (UBC Vancouver- Pharmaceutical Sciences); Nelly Oelke (UBC Okanagan- School of Nursing); Norma Hilsmann (UBC Okanagan- School of Nursing); Jessica Baskerville (South Okanagan Similkameen Division of Family Practice); Kim Orwaard-Wong (Interior Health Authority); Kristi Maltby (Interior Health); Cameron Towle (Interior Health); Robert Janke (UBC Okanagan); Ryan Tooby (Divisions of Family Practice- Bella Coola); Tannis Andersen (Interior Health); Pam Hruska (Interior Health); Kaylee Neill (UBC Okanagan- School of Nursing); Denis Decleva (AF Patient); Beth Whalley ( Central Okanagan Divisions of Family Practice)
    Research Location: University of British Columbia – Okanagan Campus

  • Sharing the podium: identifying solutions to meaningfully collaborate with youth in mental health and substance use research

    Applicant: Skye Barbic (Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy)
    Co-lead: Dan Nixon (Providence Health Care)
    Team members: Krista Glowacki ( Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, UBC); Kirsten Marchand (Foundry, Providence Health Care); Nikki Ow ( Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, UBC); Travis Salway (Faculty of Health Sciences, SFU); Hasina Samji (Faculty of Health Sciences, SFU); Steve Mathias (Providence Health Care, Foundry); Renee Cormier (Providence Health Care, Foundry); Anne Gadermann (School of Population and Public Health, UC); Sarah Munro (Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology); Amanda Butler (Providence Health Care, Foundry); Dan Nixon (Providence Health Care, Foundry); Chloe Gao (University of British Columbia, Faculty of Medicine Graduate Programs in Experimental Medicine)
    Research Location: University of British Columbia

  • Outdoor Early Childhood Education Summit: Pathways to Licensing in BC

    Applicant: Mariana Brussoni (School of Population and Public Health)
    Co-lead: Shelley McClure (Northern Lights College)
    Team members: Ms. Rachel Ramsden (UBC, School of Population & Public Health); Dr. Iris Berger (UBC, Faculty of Education); Dr. Enid Elliot (Camosun College, Early Learning and Care); Ms. Glynnis Schwan (Island Health Authority, Community Care Facilities Licensing); Ms. Lily Patzer (Aboriginal Head Start Association of BC); Ms. Belva Stone (Muddy Boot Prints Outdoor Learning Program); Dr. Hartley Banack (UNBC); Ms. Kailee Hirsche (UBC, Faculty of Education)
    Research Location: BC Children's Hospital Research Institute

  • A provincial evidence-based approach to better support people experiencing bereavement in British Columbia

    Applicant: Eman Hassan (BC Centre for Palliative Care)
    Co-lead: Marney Thompson (Victoria Hospice Society)
    Team members: Kathleen Yue, RN, BSN, MN, CHPCN(C) (BC Centre for Palliative Care); Rachel Carter, PhD (BC Centre for Palliative Care); Nicolas Starkes, BA (UBC Okanagan); Heather Mohan, PhD, RCC (Camp Kerry Society); Jessica Lowe, BC Comms (BC Bereavement Helpline); Shelly Cory, MA (Canadian Virtual Hospice); D’Arcy Wingrove (n/a); Annette Berndt (n/a)
    Research Location: BC Centre for Palliative Care

UBC-led 2021 Reach Projects

  • Developing educational resources to support patients and clinicians to identify and use self-management apps for bipolar disorder

    Applicant: Erin Michalak (Psychiatry)
    Co-lead: Natalie Dee (CREST B.D.)
    Team members: Erin Michalak  (UBC); Natalie Dee (CREST.BD); Emma Morton (UBC); John Torous (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre); Rosemary Xinhe Hu (CREST.BD); Caden Poh (UBC); Laura Lapadat (UBC); Linda Yang (UBC)
    Research Location: University of British Columbia

  • Civility Matters: Co-Creation of an Online Toolkit for Long-Term Care Home Staff

    Applicant: Jennifer Baumbusch (Nursing)
    Co-lead: Saleema Dhalla
    Team members: Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch (University of British Columbia); Ms. Jennifer Lyle (SafeCare BC); Ms. Leah Laing (University of British Columbia); Dr. Heather Cooke (University of British Columbia); Ms. Rhonda Croft (BC Nurses' Union); Mr. Hanif Karim (BC Nurses' Union); Ms. Lisa Kelly (Sienna Senior Living); Ms. Cina Oppel (BC Government & Service Employees' Union); Ms. Megan Scott (BC Government & Service Employees' Union); Ms. Georgina Hackett (Hospital Employees' Union); Ms. Anne Bull (Hospital Employees' Union)
    Research Location: University of British Columbia

  • Mobilizing Falls Prevention Knowledge with Patients and Clinicians in British Columbia

    Applicant: Jennifer Davis (Faculty of Management)
    Co-lead: Tracy Dignum (UBC)
    Team members: Teresa Liu-Ambrose (University of British Columbia); Linda Li (University of British Columbia); Kenneth Madden (University of British Columbia); Naaz Parmar (University of British Columbia); Larry Dian (University of British Columbia); Tracy Dignum (University of British Columbia); Catherine Chan (University of British Columbia); Alison Chan (University of British Columbia); Lillian Morishita (Retired); Cassandra Adjetey (University of British Columbia); Jennifer Davis (University of British Columbia); Eleanor ("Jean") Ko (Retired); Mohammed Esfahaad (Retired)
    Research Location: University of British Columbia

  • Tokes in the Throat: Health Practitioner Education on the Effects of Smoking Cannabis in the Upper Airway

    Applicant: Amanda Hu (Surgery)
    Co-lead: Brenna Lynn (UBC)
    Team members: Dr. Andrew Thamboo, MD (University of British Columbia); Dr. Emily Deane, MD (University of British Columbia); Dr. Joel Howlett, MD (University of British Columbia); Jobanjit Phulka (University of British Columbia); Dr. James P. McCormack, PharmD (University of British Columbia); Dinusha Peiris, RSLP (BC Cancer Agency); Dr. M-J Milloy, PhD (British Columbia Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU) and University of British Columbia); Dr. Brenna Lynn, PhD (University of British Columbia); Dr. Christie A Newton, MD (University of British Columbia)
    Research Location: University of British Columbia

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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