Federal funding support for research maintenance and ramp-up costs incurred due to COVID-19

UBC has launched its open call for applications for Stage 3 funding from the federal Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund (CRCEF). CRCEF is a tri-agency program that is part of the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan.

Stage 3 CRCEF funding supports direct costs of research that have been incurred to:

  1. maintain essential research-related commitments during the COVID-19 pandemic; and/or
  2. ramp-up to full research activities as physical distancing measures are eased and research activities can resume.

Applications for Stage 3 CRCEF funding can be submitted by faculty members who hold research accounts for impacted projects at UBC and affiliated health research institutions. This inlcludes principal investigators and scientific directors of shared research facilities. Applications can be made by visiting https://research.ubc.ca/CRCEF/Stage3 and must be submitted by October 30, 2020.

Direct costs of research must be extraordinary and incremental to those already covered by existing sources of funds and must be incurred between March 15 and November 15, 2020. Funding will support costs incurred for research projects funded by all sources, including government, non-government and internal funding, and reimbursement will be to a maximum of 75 per cent.

Details about UBC’s application and evaluation processes and commitment to CRCEF Equity, Diversity and Inclusion principles, as well as FAQs and examples of eligible maintenance and ramp-up costs can be found at https://research.ubc.ca/CRCEF/Stage3.

Additional information about the CRCEF program can be found at https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/crcef-fucrc/index-eng.aspx.

Friday, October 30, 2020