Microsoft AI for Humantiarian Action

Microsoft has opened grant proposal submissions for AI for Humanitarian Action. The program is part of Microsoft AI for Good, a $165 million initiative to help unlock the power of data and AI to address some of the biggest challenges facing society today. 

The program will provide Azure, data science services, and Azure engineering support. 

Nonprofits, United Nations organizations, International organizations, research, academic, and governmental organizations are eligible to submit project proposals. Private sector organizations can also apply if a nonprofit/humanitarian partner is directly engaged in the proposed project.

AI for Humanitarian Action helps respond to global humanitarian issues by providing funding for organizations developing AI solutions in four focus areas. Some examples include:

  • Human rights –The Carter Center, in partnership with Microsoft, created a machine learning tool to automate the analysis of complex conflict data to better inform peacebuilding efforts.
  • Refugees and displaced people –Supporting vulnerable families, youth, refugees and immigrants, Centro Legal streamlined casework for immigration freeing up staff to focus on clients, not paperwork.
  • Disaster response – SEEDS India worked with Microsoft to create a system to predict the risks of natural disaster using local conditions, allowing communities to be better prepared before disaster strikes.
  • Needs of children – Long-time non-profit partner Operation Smile is enhancing surgical outcomes and helping more children in need of facial surgery using a facial modelling algorithm.

For this round of project proposals, Micorosoft is accepting applications globally but is particularly interested in projects located in Africa, consortium-based projects, or those supporting digital skilling for women and will be prioritized. 


Learn more at a webinar on April 1, 2021, (recording will be available).


Project proposals must be submitted by May 31, 2021. Submit here.

Monday, May 31, 2021