EDI In Research Resource Library

UBC aims to support researchers to advance equity, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the research lifecycle and ecosystem. 

The following resources are non-exhaustive and are provided as a starting point for building EDI in research at UBC. Further research and reflection may be required and are strongly encouraged in the pursuit of research excellence that upholds equity, diversity and inclusion.

Making Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Matter in Research

Learn how EDI can be incorporated into your research through this video primer, narrated by Dr. Rachael Sullivan, Equity Facilitator, UBC Equity & Inclusion Office. 

Summary: EDI in Research – A Framework





Download the presentation slides

Improving equity, diversity, and inclusion in academia
Author/Organization: Omar Dewidar, Nour Elmestekawy, Vivian Welch
Journal or Publisher: Research Integrity and Peer Review
Keywords: equity, diversity, inclusion, research integrity, journal policies, editorial bias
Category: EDI in Research Design

Inclusion by design: Embedding inclusive teaching practice into design and preparation of laboratory classes
Author/Organization: Ellen Hackl, laIrina Ermolina
Journal or Publisher: Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning
Keywords: STEM, labs, inclusion, accessibility, neurodivergence, disability, dyslexia, colour blindness, ADD/ADHD
Category: EDI in Research Design

Inclusive makerspaces, fab labs, and STEM labs
Author/Organization: Love TS, Roy KR, Marino MT
Journal or Publisher: technology and engineering teacher
Keywords: STEM, labs, engineering, technology, accessibility, inclusion, disability, neurodivergence
Category: EDI in Research Practice

Inclusivity for all: How to make your research group accessible
Author/Organization: Alaina G. Levine
Journal or Publisher: Science Mag
Keywords: STEM, labs, disability, inclusion, accessibility
Category: EDI in Research Practice

Inclusivity in TAS research: An example of EDI as RRI
Author/Organization: Helen Smith, Arianna Manzini, Jonathan Ives
Journal or Publisher: Science Direct
Keywords: responsible research and innovation, EDI, barriers, participation
Category: EDI in Research Practice

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s two main campuses are situated within the ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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